How can you change unwanted employee behavior? What types of behaviors should managers target? The first step of Aubrey C. Daniels’s management approach is to identify the desired behavior by clearly defining your objective. The objective may be to solve a problem, like frequently missed deadlines, or achieve a goal, like heightened productivity. Keep reading to learn how to change employees’s behavior by identifying what you want out of them first.
How to Create a Support System: Selling Your Dream
How can you sell your dream to others? Why is a support system important to achieve your goals? As important as it is to motivate yourself and define the ambitions that drive you, the time will come when you have to rely on other people’s help to move forward. Therefore, a key step to achieving your dream is learning how to sell it to others so you can have supporters. Below, we’ll look at how to create a support system that will stick with you every step of the way.
How to Use Anger as Motivation: Tarana Burke’s Fuel for Activism
How did Tarana Burke use her childhood shame to become an activist? Can anger be a good source of activism? Although Burke’s childhood was defined by shame, that feeling transmuted into anger when she was a teenager—and Burke channeled it into community activism. In Unbound, she discusses the events that led to this transformation and explores how activism made her feel empowered. Check out how to use anger as motivation by looking at Tarana Burke’s experiences.
The 2 Types of Employee Performance Data to Collect
What are the most useful types of employee performance data? What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative data? In one step of Aubrey C. Daniels’s management approach, you collect baseline data about your employees’ current performances. You use this data as a reference point for evaluating the effectiveness of your behavioral intervention. Check out the two types of employee performance data you should collect.
How to Gain a Positive Mindset: 3 Steps for an Open Mind
Why is a positive mindset important for achieving your dreams? How can you get rid of negative thoughts about yourself? To sell yourself and others on the idea of your dream, you have to truly believe it without giving in to negativity. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s story shows that adopting a positive mindset, viewing hardships as opportunities, and managing time efficiently are powerful tools for achieving your dreams. Check out how to gain a positive mindset to make your dreams come true.
How Tarana Burke Became an Activist for Black Rights
How did Tarana Burke become an activist for Black rights? How did Burke protest against Donald Trump in the Central Park Five case? Burke explains that she gradually divested from the Catholic church she’d grown up in and chose to attend a public high school. This transition took place because her grandfather, a fiercely pro-Black radical follower of activists like Malcolm X, encouraged her to read books about Black history and to question the church’s complicity in the slave trade. Keep reading to learn more about Burke’s activism beginnings in high school.
How to Write Goals for a Performance Review (+ Give Feedback)
How big should your goals be for employees? How can you effectively communicate feedback? Being a manager involves giving employees feedback about their performance so far and setting up goals for them to aim for. Both feedback and goals are potent antecedents—they help employees understand whether they need to speed up, slow down, or be more careful in their work. Continue reading to learn how to write goals for a performance review and communicate feedback to employees.
How to Keep an Open Mind When Life Throws Curveballs
Do you know how to keep an open mind? How can you confront challenges head-on? Learning to manage your time and how you frame things can help dispel the unhelpful belief that life is just something that happens to you. Keeping an open mind will help you respond better to unexpected events in your journey, and teach you how to overcome obstacles. Discover why keeping an open mind is essential for your self-improvement journey.
Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood (Tarana Burke)
What are the effects of childhood sexual abuse in adulthood? How did Tarana Burke handle being told of someone else’s abuse when she was younger? After getting involved in leadership movements, Burke learned to use her anger in a healthier way. However, her experiences of childhood sexual abuse still made it difficult to talk about traumatic experiences with other people. Discover how childhood sexual abuse can trigger people, even when they’re adults.
How to Encourage Employees With Consequences
Do you need new motivational techniques for employees? Is positive or negative reinforcement better for encouragement? According to Aubrey C. Daniels, people tend to repeat behaviors that lead to positive consequences while avoiding those that have negative consequences. This means you can leverage consequences to reinforce desired behaviors and deter undesired behaviors. Here’s how to encourage employees with two types of behavioral consequences.