Are stimulants the best kind of ADHD medication? What are the downsides of using stimulants? It may seem counterintuitive to treat ADHD with stimulant medications. However, they don’t actually increase impulsive, reckless behavior. Check out the advantages and disadvantages of ADHD stimulant medications below.
How to Boost Someone’s Mood With Your Own Energy
Do you have someone in your life you want to make happy? Can you transfer your own energy to someone else? Energy doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Just as you’re energized by the people in your life, so too is the world affected by the energy you have to offer. Take a look at how to boost someone’s mood, just as others do to you.
What Are Telomeres and Why Are They Important?
What dictates how fast you age? What are telomeres and why are they important? Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel explain that telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences coated in protein. They act as protective caps on the ends of your chromosomes—the parts of your cells that contain genetic information, made of many different genes coiled up like tightly wound threads. Let’s look at the role of telomeres in our bodies and how they play into the aging process.
How to Improve Conversational Skills & Connect With People
Do you struggle to carry conversations? What types of skills do you need to enliven a discussion with someone? David Brooks says that you can have compelling, enriching conversations even with people you’re still getting to know. That’s especially true if you make a point of cultivating your conversational skills. Check out how to improve conversational skills so you can have rich discussions with people.
The Top 3 Positive Sleep Associations for Newborns
What are positive sleep associations? How can you use these types of associations to help your baby form good sleep habits? Newborn babies have unpredictable sleep patterns, so naturally, you’ll want to create a routine and calm them down. However, you still need to teach your baby how to sleep on their own without your help. Here’s how you can encourage independent sleeping with positive sleep associations.
How to Manage ADHD as an Adult: 4 Behavioral Strategies
Is medication enough to handle ADHD? What extra steps should you take to get your ADHD under control? Though medication is your first line of defense against ADHD, you’ve probably developed unhelpful behavior patterns because of your ADHD symptoms. Once your medication has begun to do its work, you may want to try to develop new habits to counter the ones ingrained by ADHD. Here’s how to manage ADHD as an adult using behavioral methods.
How to Replenish Your Energy: 3 Methods of Preservation
Is it possible to be energetic all the time? Why are relaxing breaks important for your health? Before you start to get the impression that you should be energetic all of the time, Simon Alexander Ong says that’s far from the truth. Instead, you should think of your energy as a valuable resource that must be carefully managed. Find out how to replenish your energy so you can have it when you most need it.
Stress and Telomeres: How Are They Related to Aging?
Why does stress make you age? How does social isolation cause stress? Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel say that aside from physical factors (like injuries and pollutants), stress also causes your telomeres to shorten more quickly. In short, chronic stress makes you age faster. Let’s further look at the relationship between stress and telomeres below.
How to Be More Engaging in Conversations: 3 Tips
Do you want to have engaging conversations? How can you show people you’re interested in their stories? Once you’ve begun to cultivate the skills that help you make others feel understood, you need to engage fully with the stories that others tell you. These stories will most likely be about who someone is, where they’ve been, and where they want to go. Let’s explore three ways you can learn how to be more engaging in conversations.
The Best Newborn Sleep Schedule: For Babies 0-3 Years Old
When’s the best time for a newborn baby to sleep? What’s the average bedtime for babies across different ages? Babies aren’t naturally going to have the best sleep schedule. You can support your baby’s sleep by managing their sleep schedule and having the right bedtime routine. Below, we’ll look at the best newborn sleep schedule that you should take advantage of.