Is ADHD different in adults than children? What are the symptoms of ADHD in adults? ADHD isn’t a diagnosis that’s restricted to childhood. Many adults struggle with ADHD and its symptoms, although they may manifest differently. Here are the signs of adult ADHD to look out for.
How a Psychosomatic Disorder Diagnosis Is Made
How are psychosomatic disorders diagnosed? Why do these types of disorders exist on a spectrum? Douglas Hoffman is an orthopedist with decades of experience in sports medicine. He takes a particular interest in how psychological and social factors lead to mindbody disorders, and diagnosing them with a thorough exam. Check out how Hoffman conducts a psychosomatic disorder diagnosis to help struggling patients.
Why Gambling Is Addictive (and Why Technology Is Just Like It)
Why is gambling addictive? What features does technology share with gambling? Adam Alter explains that some technology is designed to exploit the same psychological vulnerabilities as gambling, another behavioral addiction, to keep users engaged and coming back for more. He names four such design features: exciting audiovisual design, early hooks, variable rewards, and deceptive superiority to real life. Check out the similarities between gambling and technology that make these addictions hard to quit.
Everyone Has Value: Here’s How to Remind Them
Does everyone have value? How can you recognize someone’s worth to make them feel loved? To get to know someone deeply, you must recognize each person’s great worth as a human being. David Brooks emphasizes that this is crucial even when you’ve just met a person or expect to never see them again. Take a look at how you should remind someone that they’re worthy.
How to Take Care of Your Mind: 2 Mental Health Tools
Why is mental health important to your energy? What does it mean to nourish your mind? It’s extremely important to take care of your physical needs with diet, exercise, and sleep. However, you can’t focus and direct your energy without also taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. Keep reading to learn how to take care of your mind to maintain energy.
Why Are ADHD People Impulsive? Doctor Explains
Are ADHD people impulsive? What other issues can a lack of impulse control cause? The most clear-cut symptom of adult ADHD is the inability to consciously avoid impulsive actions or to know how to appropriately respond to situations. For example, knowing when not to speak during a conversation when your impulse may be to interrupt someone else. Let’s look at the science behind impulsive behavior in people with ADHD.
How to Help Patients Out of Illness Denial and Rejection
Why do some patients go into illness denial? How can doctors convince psychosomatic patients that they have a real medical condition? One major challenge in treating mindbody disorders is getting the patient to accept their diagnosis. This is because, like many doctors, patients usually believe that pain must be the result of a problem with the body. Here’s how to help patients accept a psychosomatic disorder diagnosis.
Why We Should All Try to Understand Different Perspectives
Why do politics divide people? How much of an effort should you make to understand someone’s life story? If you truly want to get to know someone, you have to stop assuming they come from a similar background as you. David Brooks considers it vital to learn to look at others and appreciate the depth and merit of their perspective. Keep reading to learn more about why understanding different perspectives is important.
How to Envision Your Future With Goals and a Plan
Do you have a plan for the future? Is being wealthy something you want to achieve? Without a clear goal in mind to guide you, your energy will be directionless, no matter how well you cultivate it. Simon Alexander Ong says it’s important to clarify your goal, how to turn your dreams into an actionable plan, and how to frame your feelings toward wealth. Discover how to envision your future with the help of a clear plan.
How Time Blindness in ADHD Becomes a Big Problem
Why do people with ADHD have trouble judging time? How does time blindness affect even the little things in life? People with ADHD may have an impaired relationship with time. Dr. Russell A. Barkley discusses how ADHD affects your sense of the present, the past, and the future, as well as how that can impact your everyday life. Find out how time blindness in ADHD happens.