How to Know a Person: Book Overview (David Brooks)

A woman reading a book in a coffee shop at a table

What’s How to Know a Person by David Brooks about? How can we rebuild connections as human beings? In How to Know a Person, New York Times columnist David Brooks argues that our ability to truly understand and connect with others is in crisis. Brooks contends that by rediscovering the lost art of “knowing” people, we can bridge divides, foster empathy, and rebuild our moral character. Read below for a brief How to Know a Person book overview.

How to Maintain Energy: 3 Steps to Nourish Your Mind & Body

A man yawning and stretching in bed after waking up, learning how to maintain energy

Is mental energy just as important as physical energy? How can you keep yourself invigorated throughout the day? How much energy you have depends on both your body and your mind, and how you care for them. Simon Alexander Ong says you can raise and maintain your personal energy by treating your body well, feeding your mind, and letting your energy levels recharge. Keep reading to learn how to maintain energy, both physically and mentally.

What Does It Mean to Know Someone? David Brooks Explains

A black and white watercolor painting of a man and woman facing each other, showing what it means to know someone

Do know someone who feels lonely and unseen? What does it mean to know someone? David Brooks says that many of us feel unacknowledged, unseen, and unloved. But he argues that we feel this way because we’ve lost the skill of getting to know one another deeply—and making each other feel known. Below, we’ll look at how you can make other people feel appreciated and acknowledged.

What Is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

A doctor holding chalkboard that says "ADHD 101" as part of a lesson answering what is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

What is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? How is ADHD diagnosed? For many people, struggling with commitments and time management rises to the level of a clinical condition that significantly impairs how they live. That’s precisely what ADHD is—a neurological condition that inhibits how your brain processes information, regulates emotions, and predicts the consequences of your actions. Let’s discuss how ADHD is defined, where it comes from, and how it’s diagnosed.

Energize by Simon Alexander Ong: Book Overview

A man wearing glasses reading a book while walking on a treadmill at the gym

What’s Energize by Simon Alexander Ong about? What are the benefits of harnessing your energy? Our personal energy is a force that affects every aspect of our lives. It’s also infectious, influencing other people’s moods and behaviors. In Energize, Simon Alexander Ong suggests that harnessing your energy is the key to achieving your most ambitious goals. Read below for a brief overview of Energize.

The Importance of Seeing People as Individuals vs. People

A man walking alone beside a crowd, representing individuals vs. people

Why do people deserve to be seen as individuals? How can you stop relying on stereotypes to judge someone? David Brooks claims that to really know another person, you first have to see them as an individual. Unlike a collective group of people, individuals have a unique set of life experiences, characteristics, motivations, and goals. Here’s why you should start looking at people as individuals vs. people you can’t tell apart.

Everyone Has Value: Here’s How to Remind Them

Three people showing that everyone has value, wearing gold medals

Does everyone have value? How can you recognize someone’s worth to make them feel loved? To get to know someone deeply, you must recognize each person’s great worth as a human being. David Brooks emphasizes that this is crucial even when you’ve just met a person or expect to never see them again. Take a look at how you should remind someone that they’re worthy.

How to Take Care of Your Mind: 2 Mental Health Tools

A smiling brain giving a thumbs up because someone knows how to take care of their mind

Why is mental health important to your energy? What does it mean to nourish your mind? It’s extremely important to take care of your physical needs with diet, exercise, and sleep. However, you can’t focus and direct your energy without also taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. Keep reading to learn how to take care of your mind to maintain energy.