Housing Segregation Today and Why It Persists

Housing Segregation Today and Why It Persists

Why do we still have housing segregation today? Why is it difficult to fix the causes of persistent housing segregation? We still have housing segregation today because of the historical legacy of segregationist public housing policies and the vicious cycle those policies created. Persistent problems like income disadvantages, race-blind policy, and flawed social programs have made it difficult to fix housing segregation. Read more to fully understand the nature of housing segregation today.

The Top 4 Habits of Millionaires You Need to Know

The Top 4 Habits of Millionaires You Need to Know

What are the habits of millionaires? Can you adopt the habits of rich people to become a millionaire? The top habits of millionaires are frugality, excellent time management, stock investments, and a tendency to shun high-status vehicles. You can also become a millionaire if you are willing to control your spending and focus on building your wealth. Read more to discover the habits of millionaires that made them rich.

5 Wealth Building Habits to Secure Financial Freedom

5 Wealth Building Habits to Secure Financial Freedom

What are the wealth-building habits you need to master? Can good financial habits make you rich? Master wealth-building habits like budgeting, financial planning, and goal setting to build wealth and secure your financial future. Good money habits can make you rich if you are willing to consume less, control your spending, and focus on steadily building your wealth. Read more on the wealth-building habits that can get you a better future.

What Is Wealth? What It Really Means to Be Wealthy

How to be Rich and Successful: 3 Steps to Follow

What is wealth? Are expensive material possessions examples of wealth? Wealth is different from income, it is the abundance of assets you accumulate to ensure you can afford not to work if you don’t want to. If you make a lot of money and spend it all on expensive material possessions, you’re not wealthy—you’re living a high-status lifestyle. Learn the characteristics of the wealthy and answer the question, what is wealth?

The Millionaire Next Door Book and Wealth-Building

The Millionaire Next Door and Wealth Building

What is The Millionaire Next Door book about? Is The Millionaire Next Door still relevant today? William D. Danko and Thomas Stanley’s Millionaire Next Door book explains the characteristics of the everyday millionaire and shows how they make, keep, and grow their wealth. These wealth-building principles outlined in Thomas Stanley’s Millionaire Next Door remain relevant today. Read on to learn how The Millionaire Next Door book can help you become wealthy too.

Are You a Prodigious Accumulator of Wealth?

Are You a Prodigious Accumulator of Wealth?

Who is a prodigious accumulator of wealth? How do you calculate to see if you are a prodigious accumulator of wealth (PAW) or an Under Accumulator of Wealth (UAW)? A prodigious accumulator of wealth has a net worth (excluding inheritance) at twice the expected level for their age, while an under accumulator of wealth has a net worth less than half of the expected level. You can calculate your expected net worth by multiplying your age times your annual household income divided by 10. Read more about prodigious accumulators of wealth below.

The Millionaire Next Door Formula for Net Worth

The Millionaire Next Door Formula for Net Worth

What is The Millionaire Next Door formula? What net worth is considered wealthy? The Millionaire Next Door formula multiplies your age times your pretax annual income divided by 10 to get your expected net worth—this excludes inheritances. You are wealthy if your net worth is twice as large as your expected net worth. Discover more on how to calculate your net worth using The Millionaire Next Door formula.

The Three Key Traits of a Top Wealth Accumulator

The Three Key Traits of a Wealth Accumulator

What are the traits of the best wealth accumulators? How can you adopt the habits of a prodigious wealth accumulator? A prodigious wealth accumulator prioritizes wealth-building investments, minimizes taxable income, and controls household spending to accumulate wealth. You can become an excellent wealth accumulator by changing the way you spend and manage your money. Discover the three major traits of wealth accumulators below.

Economic Outpatient Care: Financial Help Actually Hurts

How Economic Outpatient Care Leads to UAW Children

What is economic outpatient care? Why is this type of help for adult children problematic? Economic outpatient care is when an affluent parent bestows economic subsidies on a fully capable adult. The problem with economic outpatient care is that it trains the adult child to consume money rather than invest it to build wealth. Read more about how economic outpatient care can actually hurt adult children.