How did the government enable housing segregation in the 1950s? What was the role of the Housing Act of 1949 in facilitating this segregation? The segregationist stance of the government with policies such as school placement, slum clearance, and segregated housing projects all contributed to pervasive housing segregation in the 1950s. The Housing Act of 1949 permitted public authorities to segregate within housing projects which gave legal justification to segregationist practices in 1950s housing. Read on to learn more about housing segregation in the 1950s.
How an Inheritance From Your Parents Hurts You
How does inheritance from parents affect adult children? How do you teach your adult children independence and financial responsibility? Inheritance from parents makes less capable, unemployed children more dependent, while adult children that got no inheritance from parents are more likely to take risks and accumulate wealth. You can teach your children financial independence by teaching them the values of frugality, discipline, and independence. Learn how inheritance from parents affects adult children, and what parents can do about it.
How Regulatory Agencies Enabled Racism in Housing
Which regulatory agencies facilitated racism in housing? What are the effects of systemic racism in housing? The IRS, FHA, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) all introduced and enforced discriminatory housing policies that entrenched racism in housing. The primary effect of systemic racism in housing is that it prevents Blacks from building wealth through property ownership, which has led to the massive racial wealth gap seen today. Read on to fully understand how government institutions enabled racism in housing.
Start Working for Millionaires and Get Rich Too!
How can working for millionaires make you rich? What are the professions that serve the wealthy? Working for millionaires can definitely make you rich because they spend a lot of money to get professional advice and services important to them. Lawyers, accountants, fund-raising experts, and healthcare specialists are some of the professions in demand among the wealthy. Read more to further discover how working for millionaires can help you boost your income.
Suburban Flight and the Role of the Government
What does suburban flight mean? How did the government encourage white flight to the suburbs? Suburban flight describes the migration phenomenon of predominantly white families from the urban areas in cities to suburban tracts. The government encouraged white flight by promoting the phenomenon as a mechanism to avoid racial tension and excluding African Americans from the financial support offered to the white families that moved out. Read on to learn more about the role of the government in the rise of suburban flight.
How Self-Made Millionaires Made Their Fortune
Why are there so many self-made millionaires? What are the millionaire businesses that made self-employed millionaires rich? There are many self-made millionaires because entrepreneurship is very important for creating and preserving substantial wealth. Millionaire businesses are typically in dull industries like Auto parts, consulting, real estate development, and others that are not unusually susceptible to economic downturns. Read on to discover the secrets of self-made millionaires.
How Exclusionary Zoning Perpetuated Racial Inequality
What is exclusionary zoning? How did exclusionary zoning laws turn black neighborhoods into slums? Exclusionary zoning is the use of racial zoning laws to prohibit Blacks from owning homes in white neighborhoods and vice versa. These racial zoning laws were structured to ensure blacks were confined in densely packed zones adjacent to industrial areas or the pollution industry leading to the deterioration of these neighborhoods into slums. Read on to learn more about how exclusionary zoning laws disadvantaged African Americans.
Mastering Investments and Taxes To Build Wealth
How can mastering investments and taxes help you build wealth? How do investments affect taxes? Mastering investments and taxes helps you minimize your taxable income and grow your wealth. Investments minimize taxes because you don’t have to pay taxes on your capital gains until you actually sell your assets. Read more to discover the importance of mastering investments and taxes.
The New Deal: Redlining Policies Segregated America
What was redlining under the New Deal? How did the New Deal’s redlining policies segregate American communities? In the New Deal, redlining was based on a color-coded map for evaluating the value of homes in each neighborhood. The redlining practice contributed to segregation because the vast majority of neighborhoods colored red were African American neighborhoods. Read on to learn more about how the New Deal’s redlining practices entrenched segregation in America.
Budgeting and Planning: Essential for Wealth
Why is budgeting and planning important? Can financial planning and budgeting help you build wealth? Budgeting and planning is important because it helps you accurately set goals, track your spending, and plan your investments. Budgeting and planning ensures the funds you need for wealth-building investments are available when you need them. Read on to learn more about the importance of budgeting and planning.