What is loss aversion bias? How do you avoid triggering the tendency? The loss aversion bias is the tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring new gains. This bias is triggered by the pain of losing something valuable in the past. You can manage the tendency by calibrating all your losses in true absolute terms, rather than relative terms. Read on to learn more about the loss aversion bias.
The Availability Bias: Prioritizing New Information
What is the availability bias? How do you curb the availability heuristic bias? The availability bias is the tendency to over-inflate the value of information that is recently available and ignore other important data that would have helped in making a better decision. You can curb this tendency by always using a methodical decision-making process. Read on to learn more about the availability bias.
The Folly in the Hero’s Quest for Physical Immortality
What is physical immortality? How does the quest for immortality end for the hero? Physical immortality is everlasting life, a state that allows a person to cheat death and maintain conscious thought. For a hero, the quest for immortality always ends in failure because it goes against the purpose of the hero’s existence, which is the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. This is why mythical heroes like King Midas faced misfortune when he chose worldly possessions over spiritual insight. Read on to discover more about the foolishness in any hero’s quest for physical immortality.
The Optimism Bias: Curb Your Expectations
What is the optimism bias? How do you curb unrealistic optimism? The optimism bias is the tendency to believe that you are less likely to have a negative experience and be overconfident in your chances of experiencing positive events. It is this cognitive bias that fuels gambling. You can control the tendency by habitually using probability maths in your decision-making process. Read on to learn more about the optimism bias.
Apotheosis—The Hero’s Journey Leads to Nirvana
What is apotheosis in the hero’s journey? How do cultures typically depict this stage of enlightenment? The apotheosis stage of the hero’s journey is when the hero conquers his fears and the bounds of consciousness to reach a divine state. Ancient cultures often depict this figure of ultimate enlightenment in both male and female forms. For example, ancient Chinese lore embodies both masculine Yang and feminine Yin. Read on to learn more about the Apotheosis stage of the hero’s journey.
Understanding the Use-It-or-Lose-It Tendency
What is the use-it-or-lose-it tendency? How do you stop valuable skills from depreciating? The use-it-or-lose-it tendency is the inclination of skills to decline over time if unused. It is impossible to say the level of skill that would be lost within a set period of time, but skills that have been mastered will depreciate more slowly than skills that have not been fully developed. You can prevent skill depreciation by constantly practicing skills you can’t afford to lose. Read on to learn more about the use-it-or-lose-it tendency.
The Lake Wobegon Effect: Check Your Ego
What is the Lake Wobegon effect? How do you check this tendency? The Lake Wobegon effect is the tendency to like yourself so much that you overestimate your capabilities and become excessively self-confident. You can check this tendency by focusing on being more objective when thinking about yourself, your decisions, and anything you are attached to. Read on to learn more about the Lake Wobegon effect.
Why Is the Hero’s Journey Important and Relevant?
Why is the hero’s journey important? How does the hero’s journey apply in real life? When you recognize that the hero symbolizes the godly potential within all of us, you will recognize why the hero’s journey is important. All cultures and individuals make sense of the world they live in by telling stories. The hero’s journey tells us who we are, and what destinies we are here to fulfill. Read on to fully discover why the hero’s journey is important.
Authority Bias: How Leaders Gain Blind Trust
What is authority bias? How do you control the impact of the tendency? Áuthority bias is the tendency to blindly obey and adhere to the beliefs and instructions of authority figures. This tendency makes us vulnerable to manipulation by bad leaders. You can control the effect of this cognitive tendency by being careful when appointing leaders and taking time to verify the soundness of the decision of an authority figure. Read on to learn more about authority bias.
Ostrich Effect Bias: Why People Avoid Negativity
What is the ostrich effect bias? How dangerous is denial syndrome? The ostrich effect bias is the tendency to avoid negative information and refuse to accept that objective truth exists because it causes pain. This bias is dangerous because it can lull you into believing that a situation is better than it really is, which causes things to deteriorate further. Read on to learn more about the ostrich effect bias.