Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works—Overview

Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works—Reviewed

What is the book Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works about? How does the cascade strategy framework help companies? Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works explores the cascade strategy used by the authors A.G. Lafley (former CEO of P&G) and Roger Martin (former P&G strategic advisor) to double the revenues and profits of Procter and Gamble (P&G) from 2000 to 2009. The cascade strategy helps companies identify their winning aspirations and helps them develop the capabilities and strategies they need to win in the marketplace. Read more about the lessons in business strategy explored in Playing to Win:

Debunking the Arguments in Listening to Prozac

Debunking the Arguments in Listening to Prozac

What is the book Listening to Prozac about? Who is the scientist that challenged the claims made in the book? Listening to Prozac is a landmark book written in support of antidepressants drugs by Dr. Peter Kramer. The book is based on three main arguments rooted in questionable science. Dr. Irving Kirsch used new evidence-based research to refute these arguments in his journal—” The Emperor’s New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth.” Read on for Dr. Irving Kirsch’s arguments as to why Listening to Prozac is flawed.

A Closer Look at the Effect of Placebo Antidepressants

A Closer Look at the Effect of Placebo Antidepressants

What is the effect of placebo antidepressants on depression? What is the harm in using placebo drugs to treat depression? Placebo antidepressants work by stimulating the drug user’s belief in the power of the treatment to cure depression. The drug itself cannot cure depression, it is the placebo effect of using the drug that instigates improvement in the patient. The harm comes from the side effects of antidepressants which include weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and increased risk of diabetes. Read on to learn more about the effect of placebo antidepressants.

Johann Hari: Why Antidepressants Don’t Always Work

The Three Reasons Why Antidepressants Don't Work

What is the major reason why Johann Hari claims antidepressants don’t work? If antidepressants are not the solution to depression, why are they still popular? According to Johann Hari, author of Lost Connections, the main reason why antidepressants don’t work is that the chemical imbalance that those drugs are designed to treat is rarely ever the true cause of depression. Multiple studies have debunked the imbalance theory, and yet, antidepressants are still used. Hari says this is because big pharma controls much of the drug trial and approval process that authorizes the use of antidepressants. Read on to learn more

The Case for the Biopsychosocial Model for Depression

The Case for the Biopsychosocial Model for Depression

What is the premise of the biopsychosocial model for depression? How has the biopsychosocial approach affected the chemical imbalance theory of depression? The biopsychosocial model for depression dispels the perception of depression as a brain disease and instead recognizes biology, psychological history, and social factors as the root causes of depression. The biopsychosocial approach has been adopted by most psychiatrists at the expense of the chemical imbalance theory. Read on to learn more about the biopsychosocial model for depression.

The Chemical Imbalance Theory—Debunked

The Chemical Imbalance Theory Debunked

Is the chemical imbalance theory of depression true? How does the book Lost Connections challenge the theory? Research shows that there is no evidence that having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals can solely lead to depression. The book Lost Connections challenges the chemical imbalance theory by exploring the biopsychosocial model which posits that psychological, social, and biological factors are the main causes of depression. Read more about why the chemical imbalance theory is flawed.

Lost Connections: Book Overview (Johann Hari)

Lost Connections: Book Overview

What is the Lost Connections book about? What are the solutions to depression highlighted in the book? The Lost Connections book challenges the belief that depression is just a chemical imbalance in the brain, and instead highlights the psychological, social, and biological factors that are the real root causes of depression. The book suggests a few ways to tackle depression including community care, social prescribing, walking through childhood trauma, and curbing materialism. Read on to learn more about how the Lost Connections book explores alternative causes of depression.

How to Be Decisive, and Why It Matters to Your Success

How to Be Decisive, and Why It Matters to Your Success

What does it take to learn how to be decisive? How can you become a decisive decision-maker? Learning how to be decisive requires ignoring the criticism of others and standing firm on your decisions. This will help you become a better decision-maker. Decisiveness helps you reach decisions quickly and work consistently towards a goal.  Read on to learn how to be decisive in your decision-making.

Napoleon Hill: How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

Napoleon Hill: How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

How do you learn how to outwit the six ghosts of fear? What are the 6 basic fears in Think and Grow Rich? You can learn how to outwit the six ghosts of fear by recognizing fear as a state of mind and replacing your fears with positive alternate thinking. The six basic fears are poverty, criticism, poor health, loss of a loved one, old age, and death. You will overcome fear when you conquer each of these ghosts. Read on to learn how to outwit the six ghosts of fear.

Think and Grow Rich: Sexual Transmutation Demystified

Think and Grow Rich: Sexual Transmutation Demystified

What is the premise of the Think and Grow Rich sexual transmutation theory? How can sex energy be transformed into creative imagination? The Think and Grow Rich sexual transmutation theory describes the desire for sex as being a form of energy that can be redirected and channeled to fuel creative thinking. You will need immense willpower to transform your sex energy into the creativity you need to achieve your goals. Read on to fully understand the Think and Grow Rich sexual transmutation theory.