What is a strategic discussion? How do you create the right environment for strategic discussions? A strategic discussion is an interchange of ideas with the goal of gaining insights that will help a company progress towards its objectives. The best environment for strategic discussions is one that is interactive and includes very few people in the room. Read on to learn more about how to conduct an effective strategic discussion.
The P&G/Gillette Acquisition: A Strategic Fit
Why was the P&G/Gillette acquisition so successful? How did P&G add value to Gillette? The P&G/Gillette acquisition was successful because of the synergy between the companies. Gillette had a reputable product with a strong brand that was growing faster than other alternative products in the market, while P&G had the marketing capital and distribution channels to expand Gillette’s market. P&G was able to add value to Gillette because its core capabilities were perfect for pushing the Gillette brand further in the market. Read more about the lessons on synergy from the P&G/Gillette acquisition.
The 3 Simple Steps to Building a Strong Brand
What does building a strong brand entail? Why do you need a strong brand to succeed in your target market? Building a strong brand involves grouping together products that share the same inherent capabilities under one brand, and developing competitive advantages that help that brand stand out in the marketplace. You need a strong brand if you want to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Read on to fully discover the process of building a strong brand.
Sympathetic Joy: Happiness Is Contagious
What is sympathetic joy? How do you master sympathetic joy meditation? Sympathetic joy is the practice of deriving satisfaction from untainted happiness for other people. This applies to loved ones, strangers, and even enemies. You can master sympathetic joy meditation by picturing others, and imagining something good happening to them that will bring them happiness. Read on to learn how to master sympathetic joy meditation.
Kotti Berlin Protest: A Case Study of Communal Care
What triggered the Kotti Berlin protest? Why was the role of the community so important? The Kotti Berlin protest was triggered when an elderly Turkish-German woman (Nuriye Cengiz) living in the neighborhood contemplated committing suicide because she couldn’t afford the most recent rent increase. The Kotti community rallied behind her and formed a protest camp to fight against the rent hikes and evictions. The role of the community was crucial in preventing her from committing suicide because she found support in her community. Read on to learn more about how the Kotti Berlin protest teaches us the importance of community
What Are the Benefits of Social Prescribing?
What are the benefits of social prescribing? Why is Big Pharma against social prescribing? The major benefits of social prescribing are holistic treatment, community support, and opportunities to reconnect with nature. Social prescribing ensures that the doctor will not only prescribe drugs to treat biological issues but also address environmental factors. Big Pharma doesn’t like this because it treats the underlying cause of depression and threatens their profits. Read on to more about the benefits of social prescribing.
How Meaningful Relationships Help Combat Depression
How do meaningful relationships help prevent loneliness and depression? Why does the collective lifestyle of Amish communities help members avoid loneliness and depression? Meaningful relationships restore us to our natural states as social animals living in close-knit societies. This prevents loneliness and provides a support group that can help you heal from depression. Amish communities share everything and everyone is regarded as family. This style of collective living creates a connected community and drastically reduces the risk of depression. Read on to learn more about how meaningful relationships help prevent depression.
Why Extrinsically Motivated People Get Depressed
What does it mean to be extrinsically motivated? Why are materialistic people vulnerable to depression? You are an extrinsically motivated person if your sense of fulfillment in life comes from reaching external milestones like acquiring material things, climbing the corporate leader, social recognition, and so on. An overreliance on extrinsic motivation can lead to depression because the joy you get from material things is always short-lived. Read on to learn more about the dangers of being extrinsically motivated.
The 5 Company Capabilities That Lead to Success
What are company capabilities? How do you build company capabilities? Company capabilities are the resources and competencies a company needs to succeed better than its competitors. You build core business capabilities through customer research, innovation, branding, and an effective product-to-consumer strategy. Read more about how to build company capabilities that are vital for marketplace success.
A Guide to Overcoming Childhood Trauma
What is the process of overcoming childhood trauma? How can resolving childhood trauma help with depression? Overcoming childhood trauma starts with acknowledging the problem and talking openly about it with your doctor. Resolving childhood trauma helps with the process of healing from depression since trauma is one of the major causes of depression. Read on to learn more about the process of overcoming childhood trauma.