How to End Poverty on a Global Scale

How to End Poverty Around the World

How do we figure out how to end poverty? What are the myths about poverty? The society will only learn how to end poverty when it starts encouraging people to follow the path to success instead of demonizing wealth. It is wrong to believe that poverty is moral or that the only way to eradicate poverty is to overhaul social systems. Improving yourself and following the path to success will give you access to God’s limitless resources. Read on to learn more about how to end poverty on a global scale.

The Science of Getting Rich: Book Overview

The Science of Getting Rich: Book Overview

What is The Science of Getting Rich book about? What is the certain way to riches? The Science of Getting Rich book asserts that God wants everyone to be rich, and has provided limitless resources to ensure everyone can become wealthy. The book seeks to provide readers with a guaranteed method for tapping into that limitless resource. This method involves thinking and acting in a way that will attract riches to you. Read on to discover the lessons of The Science of Getting Rich Book.

The Formless Substance: A Limitless Source of Wealth

The Formless Substance: A Limitless Source of Wealth

What is the formless substance? Is the resource limitation theory true?  The formless substance is God, and he favors the advancement and success of every intelligent being. You become wealthy and successful when the formless substance expresses itself through you. According to The Science of Getting Rich, resource limitation is a myth because the formless substance created plenty of resources for everyone. Read on to discover more about the role of the formless substance.

The Law of Gratitude: The Secret to Manifesting Wealth

How to Use the Law of Gratitude to Attract Wealth

What is the law of gratitude? Why is gratitude so important to attracting wealth? The law of gratitude follows Newton’s third law—for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means, if you reach out strongly and gratefully to God and other well-meaning individuals, they will respond strongly in kind. The more grateful you are, the faster you will attract opportunities that will make you wealthy. Read on to learn more about the application of the law of gratitude.

How to Be Rich and Successful: Think, Will, Act

How to Be Rich and Successful: Think, Will, Act

How do you master how to be rich and successful? What can prevent you from getting on the path to riches? You master how to be rich and successful by thinking and acting the right way. You must have the conviction that you will achieve success in life, and act in a way that sets you up to be successful. Ignorance, mental laziness, and negative thoughts about poverty can stop you from working towards riches. Read on to master how to be rich and successful.

How to Manifest Your Dream Life: Visualize Success

How to Visualize Success and Achieve Your Goals

How do you visualize success? How will visualizing wealth lead to riches? The right way to visualize success is to have a precise idea of what you want to accomplish, accompanied by an unshakable conviction in your ability to achieve your goals. Visualizing success spurs your creativity, which propels you to develop ideas that lead to riches. Read on to learn more about the right way to visualize success.

How to Find Your Target Audience and Competitors

How to Find Your Target Audience and Competitors

How do you figure out how to find your target audience in marketing? Why is target market analysis so important? You learn how to find your target audience when you grasp the interconnection between geography, product offering, customer segmentation, distribution, and production. Geography, production, and distribution determine where you can sell your products, while the use-cases of your product offering and customer segmentation determine who you sell your products to. Target market analysis not only helps with target market identification, but it also helps you discover your competitors. Read on to learn more about how to find your target audience.

A 7-Step Guide to Better Team Decision-Making

A 7-Step Guide to Better Team Decision Making

What is the best approach for better team decision-making? Why is the financial plausibility test system flawed?  The best way to approach team decision-making is to ask what needs to be true for the company’s strategy to be successful. This encourages creative ideas and holistic decisions, as opposed to the model-centric systems that discourage out-of-the-box solutions. The financial plausibility test is a flawed model for team decisions because it is expensive, model-centric, and stifles creativity. Read on to discover the step-by-step guide to better team decision-making.

P&G Case Study: Strategic Choice Cascade in Practice

P&G Case Study: Strategic Choice Cascade in Practice

What is this P&G case study about? Why was P&G so successful in implementing the strategic choice cascade model? This P&G case study showcases how the authors of Playing to Win implemented the five steps of the strategic choice cascade to transform the company’s Olay brand into a hugely profitable product. The implementation was successful because the management was the key driving force behind the strategy. Read on to discover how this P&G case study showcases the successful implementation of the strategic choice cascade model.

Advocacy and Inquiry: The Secret to Effective Meetings

Advocacy and Inquiry: The Secret to Effective Meetings

What does the advocacy and inquiry decision-making process entail? What mindset is required to make the decision-making process effective? Advocacy and inquiry is a decision-making style where each party in a meeting presents their arguments and asks for comments and questions from other participants. The process creates an open environment where ideas are challenged and fine-tuned, which improves the critical reasoning skills of participants. Each participant must be confident and open to being challenged. Read on to learn more about the advocacy and inquiry decision-making process.