Stephen Hawking: Evolution Explained

Stephen Hawking: Evolution Explained

How did humans come into existence on Earth? Why do monotheistic religions challenge Stephen Hawking’s evolution theory? In his book Brief Answers to the Big Questions, Stephen Hawking gives a brief overview of how humans got here. He begins his timeline in the present day and goes back to the singularity that created time. Here’s Stephen Hawking’s evolution timeline—and why many religions disagree with him.

Stephen Hawking: AI Might Become a Threat to Us

Stephen Hawking: AI Might Become a Threat to Us

Why does Stephen Hawking consider artificial intelligence to be a form of life? How can humanity avoid a disaster like the one in I, Robot? According to Stephen Hawking, AI fulfills the two requirements to be considered living. Hawking warns that artificial intelligence may even become conscious one day, and if it does, it better be on the side of humanity rather than against it. Here’s more of what Hawking had to say about AI.

Want to Improve Your Business Writing Skills? Do This

Want to Improve Your Business Writing Skills? Do This

Do you often write for business? What are some things to keep in mind when writing a professional e-mail, memo, or report? If you want to improve your business writing skills, the number one thing to keep in mind is simplicity. And don’t be afraid to add some personality rather than sounding like a robot. Here are some tips on how to improve your business writing.

How to Improve Your Writing—Author Explains

How to Improve Your Writing—Author Explains

Do you want to improve your writing skills? What does taste have to do with writing? In his book On Writing Well, American writer, journalist, and teacher William Zinsser explains how to improve your writing. The key, he says, is to develop a taste for good writing. Zinsser believes that you should choose authors whose style you admire, then try to emulate their style until you develop your own voice. Here’s why developing good taste is the first step to improving your writing.

Top Quotes From Brief Answers to the Big Questions

Top Quotes From Brief Answers to the Big Questions

What are the top quotes from Brief Answers to the Big Questions? What did Hawking have to say about some of humanity’s biggest questions? In Brief Answers to the Big Questions, prominent astrophysicist Stephen Hawking discusses science, philosophy, human destiny, and how they relate to each other. Writing at the end of his career, Hawking offers his readers some final words of wisdom on the issues he considers most important. Below are the top Brief Answers to the Big Questions quotes—with explanations.

How to Fix Cluttered Writing: Stop Doing These 5 Things

How to Fix Cluttered Writing: Stop Doing These 5 Things

What exactly is cluttered writing? How does unnecessary wordiness compromise your writing? In his book On Writing Well, William Zinsser points out five common types of clutter: wordy phrases, euphemisms, adverbs, too many adjectives, and qualifiers. By reducing or eliminating these types of clutter in your writing, you will write more clearly and communicate your point more effectively. Let’s look at a few common types of cluttered writing and how to avoid them.

How to End a Story: Tips for Nonfiction Writers

How to End a Story: Tips for Nonfiction Writers

What makes a good story ending? What are some things you should consider when writing the ending for a nonfiction piece? Beginning and ending stories are some of the hardest things to do for a writer. A good ending should leave the reader feeling satisfied and give them something to think about. An ending shouldn’t simply summarize what a reader has already read. Here’s how to end a story right, according to writer and literary critic William Zinsser.