What genre is the perfect blend between escapism and learning? What book completely changed how Chelsea looks at accomplishments? Chelsea is a Shortform guide editor from California. She’s always been a huge fan of fiction, but, since working at Shortform, her reading tastes have broadened.
The Secret: Book Club and Reflection Questions
Have you read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne? How can you apply the lessons in the book to your personal and work life? At the heart of The Secret is the concept of the Law of Attraction—use your thoughts to attract the things you want. If you focus on thoughts about who you want to be or what you want in life, you will attract those ideas and things back as your life experience. Below, we’ve put together some The Secret book club questions for you to consider.
The Tipping Point: Discussion Questions and Book Quiz
Are you looking to further your understanding of The Tipping Point? Do you understand all of the lessons from the book? The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell (the author of Outliers) focuses on how to push ideas or products to a tipping point in order to create a social epidemic. He that there are three factors that can be adjusted to tip an idea to a social epidemic: the messenger, the message itself, or the context of the message. Below, we’ve put together some The Tipping Point discussion questions and a quiz, with answers.
Shortform Reads: A Deep Appreciation for Short Stories
What book changed the way Kevin feels about reading? What series will Kevin always have a soft spot for? Kevin is a Shortform guide writer from North Carolina. He’s always loved books, but his tastes have changed over the years.
The Top 2 Cons of Nuclear Energy in the U.S.
Should the United States adopt nuclear energy as a power source? What are the top arguments against the use of nuclear energy? Nuclear energy is getting new attention globally, but it remains a divisive topic in the U.S. Some people say it’s the best way to meet our energy needs without worsening global warming, while others argue that the risks are too high. Below, we’ll take a look at the top cons of nuclear energy and how pro-nuclear activists downplay the dangers.
The 4 Challenges to Implementing an AR-15 Ban
Should AR-15s be banned in the United States? Why is an AR-15 ban more complicated than it sounds? Is it even possible to ban them? Banning AR-15s and similar firearms in the U.S. is often advocated as a solution to preventing mass shootings by keeping prospective shooters from getting these weapons. However, the question isn’t whether the U.S. should ban AR-15s, rather it’s whether it can. Here are the four main challenges that come with implementing and enforcing an AR-15 ban.
Why the U.S. Should Reform the Supreme Court
Why should the United States reform the Supreme Court? What are the three possible reformation strategies? Recently, several of the Supreme Court’s decisions have left many Americans to question whether the institution is still non-partisan. To stop the Supreme Court from overstepping its power, many are pushing for a Supreme Court reform. Here’s a look at the most common arguments for reforming the Supreme Court, and the strategies that could be used to carry it out.
Shortform Reads: Trading Fantasy for the Real World
What book trope does Katie try to avoid? What two books does Katie believe should be taught in high school? Katie is a Shortform blog writer based out of Tennessee. She writes blog articles both about Shortform guides and about various topics including social trends and the entertainment industry.
3 Pros of Adopting Nuclear Power in the U.S.
Should the United States adopt nuclear power as a source of sustainable energy? What are the pros of nuclear energy? Nuclear energy is getting renewed attention worldwide as a potential answer to two pressing problems: energy supply disruption by Russia and worsening climate change from fossil fuels. But it remains an especially divisive topic in the United States. Let’s take a closer look at the pros of nuclear power.
The Current Housing Market: Another Bubble?
In what ways does the current housing market resemble the 2006 housing crisis? Are we headed towards a second housing bubble? As housing prices spike and rents soar, it’s starting to feel like it did back in 2006. Luckily, there are some major differences between the current housing market and that of the 2006 housing bubble. To name some: there’s a decrease in the availability of credit and the cause of the inflated prices is different. Below, we’ll take a look at the current real estate market and compare it to the 2006 housing bubble.