Why the Cybersecurity Labor Shortage Is a Big Deal (+Solutions?)

Why the Cybersecurity Labor Shortage Is a Big Deal (+Solutions?)

Why is there such a huge cybersecurity labor shortage right now? What’s the government doing to try to fix it? The US government faces a dangerous shortage of qualified experts to safeguard vital systems and networks from attack. The federal government is working to solve the cybersecurity labor shortage, but it will struggle if it fails to address pay discrepancies between public and private sector cybersecurity jobs. Keep reading for insight into the cybersecurity talent shortage.

China Faces Deflation—Can It Weather the Storm?

China Faces Deflation—Can It Weather the Storm?

What’s behind China’s growing economic woes? What impacts will China’s deflation have on other nations? What’s the outlook for China’s economy? China’s economy, once a global growth powerhouse, now faces significant challenges. Globally, China’s economic troubles could disrupt trade, influence commodity prices, and have ripple effects on the international financial system, presenting both challenges and opportunities for other nations. Keep reading for the two different views on China’s economic situation.

What Does the Labor Union Boom Mean for the Future?

What Does the Labor Union Boom Mean for the Future?

Is there about to be a labor union boom? Will the current resurgence lose steam? Despite decades of declining membership, labor unions are staging a resurgence. Some experts say that unions are well-positioned to grow their influence, with broad public support and businesses suffering labor shortages. Others contend that unions face a bumpy road ahead with fewer members and strong resistance from companies. Here’s a look at the history of labor unions, and whether or not a union boom is on the horizon.

Yellow Corp.’s Bankruptcy—What Actually Happened

Yellow Corp.’s Bankruptcy—What Actually Happened

What’s behind Yellow Corp’s bankruptcy? What does the future hold for those left in its wake? In early August, Yellow Corporation filed for bankruptcy, putting 30,000 workers out of a job. Potential impacts of Yellow’s shuttering include loss of contractual protections for the company’s union workers, the strengthening or weakening of labor unions, and taxpayer financial losses. Continue reading for a background on Yellow Corp and the events leading to its bankruptcy.

The AMOC Could Collapse by 2025—Here’s What That Means

The AMOC Could Collapse by 2025—Here’s What That Means

What would happen if the AMOC collapsed? How could rising temperatures possibly affect the ocean’s currents? Why do some doubt the studies? A recent scientific study suggests the Gulf Stream may slow or stop due to climate change, which would have dramatic effects on the world’s weather. However, some are skeptical that a collapse would happen in this century. Here’s a look at what the AMOC is, what’s causing the collapse, and what it would mean for every person on Earth.

How to Reduce the Risk of Loan Rejection in 2023

How to Reduce the Risk of Loan Rejection in 2023

Do you need to take out a loan but worry you’ll be rejected? Is there anything you can do to reduce the odds of rejection? Loan rejections in the US are at a record high, affecting Americans’ ability to buy cars, get mortgages, and access credit cards. Applicants can improve their chances of loan approvals by improving their credit scores, reducing credit utilization, and rebuilding their credit. Here are some of the reasons behind the increase in rejections, and some steps you can take.

Why Are Malls Dying in the US? (+ How to Save Them)

Why Are Malls Dying in the US? (+ How to Save Them)

Why are malls dying in the United States? What factors are contributing to their downfall? How can they adapt for the future? In the 1980s, the mall was a vibrant epicenter in America. Today malls are struggling to survive, their demise fueled by online shopping, large department store closures, and the COVID-19 pandemic. America’s 700 remaining malls are trying to stay alive by modernizing stores and digitizing processes. Keep reading to learn why malls are struggling and what can be done to revive them.

What Is the Anthropocene Epoch & Are We Living in It?

What Is the Anthropocene Epoch & Are We Living in It?

What is the Anthropocene Epoch? How big of an impact have humans had on the planet? We might soon officially be living in the Anthropocene Epoch, a period in Earth’s history in which human activity has changed the entire planet. It means we’ve affected the planet as much as the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and as much as the repeated Ice Ages. Keep reading to learn how new epochs are declared and why some think we shouldn’t call this epoch the Anthropocene.

The Problem With America’s Huge Cars: Car Bloat Explained

The Problem With America’s Huge Cars: Car Bloat Explained

What is car bloat? Why do Americans tend to prefer huge cars? What are the negative consequences? Car bloat—a trend toward ever-larger vehicles—is taking over US roads, and it shows no signs of slowing. The trend of Americans buying bigger, heavier vehicles is amping up car prices and damaging the environment, public health, and roads. Let’s take a look at what led to car bloat and why it’s a problem.

What Is “Bidenomics”? Is It the New Reaganomics?

President Joe Biden talking into a microphone.

What is Bidenomics? Why is it being compared to Reaganomics? And will it achieve its goals? The term “Bidenomics,” which has gained attention as President Biden prepares for a 2024 presidential run, refers to a set of policies Biden introduced. Experts are drawing parallels between Bidenomics and Reaganomics because both propose fresh approaches to boost economic growth. Continue reading to learn about Bidenomics and how it compares to Reaganomics.