Pros and Cons of Quantum Computing: Worth the Risks?

Pros and Cons of Quantum Computing: Worth the Risks?

What is a quantum computer? What can quantum computers do that normal computers can’t? Why are quantum computers potentially dangerous? In November 2022, IBM unveiled its 433 qubit powerful Osprey processor, marking a significant step toward revolutionary quantum computing systems. Quantum computing promises to solve problems currently deemed insurmountable by classical computing. But it could also threaten existing encryption systems and exacerbate digital divides. Keep reading to learn about the pros and cons of quantum computing.

How to Save the Trees: Actionables From The Hidden Life of Trees

A lumberjack trying to save the trees by blocking the road that a logging truck is driving down.

How many trees are at risk of extinction? Why are sustainable forestry practices necessary? How can arboreal mortuaries help save forests? In his book The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben doesn’t just teach readers about the science of trees, it’s also a call to action to help save the forests. He lays out multiple ways that people and governments can help save the trees. Here are the actionables that Wohlleben shares in his book.

2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) Overview

2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28)  Overview

What are the key takeaways from the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference? How have global stakeholders responded to the outcomes? Is the deal enough to thwart global warming’s threats? The recent UN Climate Summit (COP28) in Dubai ended with a historic agreement, for the first time calling on nations to transition away from fossil fuel use. Critics argue the deal doesn’t go far enough, citing the pact’s weak language and support for transitional fuels and carbon capture technologies. Here’s a look at how the 2023 Conference of Parties went down.

Symbiosis in Nature: How Trees Cooperate With Other Species

An image representing symbiosis in nature as a large tree protects a sapling.

In what ways do trees cooperate with one another and other species? How do trees protect human communities from danger? Unlike many other forms of life, trees of different species work together to create a communal living space. Thanks to the cooperation of trees, forests are able to maintain a sustainable ecosystem. Keep reading to understand more about how symbiosis in nature works.

Quotes From The Hidden Life of Trees (With Explanations)

A man sitting against a tree in the woods as he reads a book.

Are you looking for quotes from The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben? What can this book teach you about the importance of protecting forests? In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben draws on scientific research to shed light on the ways trees interact with their environment and one another. Amid deforestation and climate change, understanding the intricate lives of trees offers insights into their innate value and why it’s important to protect them. Here’s a selection of the best quotes from the book along with explanations.

What Is the Winter Solstice & Why Does It Matter So Much?

What Is the Winter Solstice & Why Does It Matter So Much?

What is the winter solstice? What makes the winter solstice the shortest, darkest day of the year? Why have humans marked the occasion since prehistory? Each year, the astronomical winter begins with the shortest day of the year: the winter solstice, the day with the fewest hours of sunlight. In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs every year on December 21 or 22. After that point, the days begin to grow longer. Here’s a look at what the winter solstice actually is and why it’s so historically and culturally significant.

How Social Media Is Handling AI Election Misinformation

A cellphone with a screen that says "2024 ELECTION"

Did social media companies live up to promises to combat election misinformation after 2020? What new technological threats could undermine the 2024 elections? How are companies addressing election integrity issues this time around? Social media platforms face rising pressure to address new AI disinformation threats that could undermine the 2024 elections. Experts warn that companies’ failure to address sophisticated “deep fakes” threatens American democracy and could lead to violence. Keep reading to learn how AI misinformation could affect the coming election.

Can You Be “Addicted” to Social Media? What Psychologists Say

A social media addicted man standing on a boulder in nature.

Can you be addicted to social media? What’s the difference between an addiction and a compulsion? Start scrolling through Facebook or TikTok and if you’re not careful, an hour can pass in the blink of an eye. Social media feels addictive. But “addiction” might not be an accurate way to describe its effects on our brains and attention. Continue reading to learn what makes social media use problematic, whether or not it’s actually addictive, and how you can take control of your attention.

How ChatGPT’s Growth Changed the AI Landscape

How ChatGPT’s Growth Changed the AI Landscape

How did ChatGPT set off a frenzy across the tech industry and beyond? What critical questions did ChatGPT’s emergence spark that remain unresolved?  What remarkable capabilities does the technology preview about our AI-powered future? Following its November 2022 launch, ChatGPT’s growth was unprecedented, amassing over 1.7 billion users in its first year. ChatGPT’s explosive rise not only reshaped the AI landscape but also set off industry-wide transformations, revealing both its potential for catalyzing positive change and the societal risks it embodies. Keep reading to learn how ChatGPT changed the game in some industries.

Overemployment: Why Many Americans Are Working Multiple Jobs

A cartoon of a woman using two laptops as she works multiple jobs.

Why are many Americans working multiple jobs at once? How does overemployment impact workers and employers? What’s the future of overworking in the US? Overemployment—working multiple jobs simultaneously—is a growing trend that’s enabling some Americans to significantly increase their incomes. While providing clear financial upsides, prolonged overemployment can negatively impact professionals’ mental health, job security, and relationships with employers. Here’s a look at the upsides and downsides of overemployment.