Are you awkward when it comes to speaking to women? Do you want to know how to flirt better and form deeper connections? How do you start a conversation? In his book Conversation Casanova, Dave Perrotta helps men up their conversation game. From developing the right mindset to flirting effectively to moving beyond small talk, Perrotta’s tips will help you in any conversation situation. Keep reading for tips and methods from Conversation Casanova.
Mediterranean Diet Benefits: From Heart Health to Better Aging
What are the Mediterranean Diet benefits? What components of the diet make it so healthy? Other than tasting good, the Mediterranean Diet has numerous benefits. Switching to this diet can reduce your risk of heart disease, protect against certain chronic diseases, and prolong life. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.
The Creation of Twitter—From Ideation to Success
How was Twitter created? What company started it all? Why did its hypergrowth become an issue? Twitter (now called X) was first created in 2006 as a status-sharing service. Four men, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Jack Dorsey came up with the original idea for the platform. Here’s a brief look at the creation of Twitter, as told in Hatching Twitter by Nick Bilton.
The 4 Creators of Twitter & the Struggle for Control
Who were the creators of Twitter? Why didn’t they get along? What were their different visions for the platform? When most people think of the creator of Twitter, the name Jack Dorsey comes to mind. However, Twitter actually had four founders who all struggled for control of the direction of the company. Continue reading to learn about the founders of Twitter and their dynamics.
Starting a Mediterranean Diet? Here Are Tips for Beginners
Are you starting a Mediterranean Diet? Where should you begin? How can you make the transition easier? If you’ve been considering trying the Mediterranean Diet but don’t know where to start, the book The Mediterranean Diet for Beginners is the perfect place. Switching to this diet may be easier than you think because it’s based on consuming fresh food, rather than strict portions. Keep reading to learn how to begin eating like you’re in the Mediterranean.
Leadership Changes at Twitter: A Brief Timeline (Before Musk)
Why were there so many leadership changes at Twitter? What created the tension among the founders? Since its creation, Twitter has had a revolving door of CEOs. From Evan Williams to Jack Dorsey to Dick Costolo, leadership at the company has always been tenuous. Here’s a brief history of the CEOs of Twitter, as described in the book Hatching Twitter.
What to Eat on a Mediterranean Diet: Breakfast, Dinner, & More
Wondering what to eat on a Mediterranean Diet? What types of ingredients should you try to incorporate into your meals? The Mediterranean Diet is more about eating fresh, whole foods than being on a strict meal plan. This includes swapping out red meats for fish, replacing sugary snacks for fruits, and adding farm fresh veggies to your meals. Here are some examples of foods to eat on a Mediterranean Diet.
What Are Employers Looking for in a Job Interview?
Do you have a job interview coming up soon? What are employers looking for in potential employees? In his book Knock ’em Dead Job Interview, Martin Yate discusses what employers commonly look for in potential employees during an interview. Yate also explains how employers evaluate your expertise including your problem-solving abilities, transferrable skills, and teamwork. Keep reading to improve your chances of getting hired.
The Mediterranean Diet for Beginners—Book Takeaways & Tips
Are you thinking of taking up the Mediterranean Diet but don’t know where to begin? What effects can the diet have on your body? The book The Mediterranean Diet for Beginners shares recipes and tips for those just starting out. In this overview, we’re going to focus on the benefits, principles, and foods to incorporate. Keep reading if you want to make a switch to healthier eating.
4 Strategies for How to Get Hired From a Job Interview
How can you present yourself better to employers? What four strategies will enhance your chances of getting hired? In today’s competitive job market, it’s not enough to have transferrable skills or a college degree. In Knock ’em Dead Job Interview, Martin Yate shares that there are four qualities and mindsets that will help improve your chances of getting hired. Here’s how to get hired after a job interview.