How Much Alcohol Is Okay? The Answer: None. Here’s Why

A woman's hand holding a glass of white wine at a dinner table brings up the question, "how much alcohol is okay?"

Is there scientific evidence linking alcohol to cancer? Why aren’t there cancer warnings on alcohol bottles? How much alcohol is okay to drink? In January the US Surgeon General issued a report calling for cancer warnings on every beer, wine, and liquor bottle sold in America. Despite many myths that have circulated for decades, even light drinking can pose serious health risks. Here’s why you can’t trust drinking guidelines around alcohol.

Do You Have a Junk Food Addiction? Try These 4 Solutions

A person with a junk food addiction eating a plate of nachos

When you get hungry, do you reach for processed snacks? Do you find yourself feeling stuffed after each meal? There’s solid science behind why junk food addiction occurs—our bodies have evolved to seek out high-calorie food, and the food industry makes these foods addictive. But by getting back in touch with our natural hunger and fullness cues, we can resist the pull of junk food. Here are four methods to break free of your junk food addiction, from proven experts.

What’s the Federal Return to Office Mandate Really About?

Donald Trump's testimony as he speaks on stage into a microphone.

Will Trump’s mandate strengthen private sector companies’ push to end remote work? What practical obstacles make strict RTO policies difficult to implement? In January, President Trump signed an executive order requiring 2.3 million federal workers to return to the office full-time. The move strengthens corporate America’s push to end remote work—but implementation challenges and worker resistance suggest the battle is far from over. Continue reading to learn more about the federal return to office mandate.

10 Ways to Break Your Digital Addiction (+ How to Detox)

A woman with a digital addiction who is using her phone in bed

How many times per day do you check your phone? Do your digital devices control you rather than the other way around? In our technology-driven world, digital addiction can creep up on you without you even realizing it. Thankfully, it’s not impossible to escape an addiction to technology. Here are 10 practical ways to change your autopilot response to these stimuli intended to hijack your attention.

2025 Travel Trends Reveal Big Shifts in the Industry

A group of people sitting in a cave by the ocean representing the new 2025 travel trends

How are travel trends shifting in 2025? How are concerns about mental well-being and environmental impact shaping travel choices? How are travel companies adjusting to the changes? 2025 travel trends suggest that more travelers are choosing quiet retreats and family visits over traditional tourist attractions. In response to the changes, the travel industry is evolving with new types of travel experiences, subscription-based business models, and AI planning. Here’s what to expect as a new era of travel unfolds.

How Biological Aging Research Could Personalize Healthcare

A scientist holding a plastic model of a human heart to represent biological aging

How are your organs affected as you age? How can aging patterns help scientists predict health? Many people associate aging primarily with visible changes like wrinkling and sagging. But these external changes represent just a small part of a complex biological phenomenon affecting the entire body. Understanding how aging works—and how to influence it—has been one of medicine’s greatest challenges. Keep reading to learn about biological aging and what it could mean for medical care.

How the Health Insurance Crisis Impacts Mental Health Services

Hands holding an envelope that has the word "denied" stamped on it with red ink because of the health insurance crisis in the US

What’s driving providers out of insurance networks? What does this mean for people seeking mental health treatment? In the United States, getting therapy is more difficult than ever. Due to problems with insurance companies, a third of US psychologists no longer accept insurance. Reasons include low reimbursement rates, complex payment systems designed to delay or deny payment, and pressure to limit care. Continue reading for a deep dive into the current health insurance crisis in the US.

Aggressive Customer Behaviors Grow—Companies React

An aggressive male customer in a grocery store yelling

What’s behind the rise in aggressive customers? How are these incidents affecting workers? What are employers doing to protect their employees? Customer violence has become so prevalent in US retail stores and restaurants that workers are quitting in record numbers. Not only is this bad for companies, but it can have lasting effects on employees’ mental health. Here’s what’s causing the increase in customer aggression and what companies and states are doing about it.

Why Having a Short Attention Span Might Be an Advantage

A person using their phone and laptop at the same time because they have a short attention span

Can having a short attention span be a good thing? What advantages might shorter attention spans offer in an information-loaded environment? Some experts say yes—it’s an adaptive response that helps us navigate today’s information load through better task prioritization, faster visual processing, and the ability to focus intensely when necessary. Therefore, we should work with it rather than against it. Continue reading to learn how attention spans have decreased and that might not be a bad thing.