Far From the Tree by Andrew Solomon: Book Overview

A woman with gray hair and a sweater in a cozy setting reading a book

What does it mean when the apple falls far from the tree? How do families adapt when their children have identities that differ significantly from what they expected? In his book Far From the Tree, Andrew Solomon explores families raising children with horizontal identities—traits that make children fundamentally different from their parents. Through interviews with over 300 families, Solomon examines how parents navigate raising children who are different. Keep reading to discover how parents can move from confusion to acceptance and how both understanding and practical support help exceptional children thrive.

How Identity Is Formed: Andrew Solomon on Our Sense of Self

A young boy with blonde hair looking at himself in the mirror illustrates how identity is formed

How is identity formed? What shapes how we see ourselves in the world? Where do we look for validation when key aspects of our identity differ from our parents’ experiences? In Far From the Tree, Andrew Solomon explores how identity is formed through both inherited traits and those that set us apart from our families. He introduces the concepts of “vertical identities” and “horizontal identities,” showing how both contribute to our understanding of ourselves. Continue reading to embark on the fascinating journey of how we develop our sense of self and find belonging in a complex world.

The Human Need for Belonging—Finding “Your People”

People cheering for a young woman in a wheelchair in a track and field event illustrates the human need for belonging

Is the search for belonging more challenging when your deepest identities aren’t shared by your family? Where can people with horizontal identities find the acceptance and understanding they desperately need? In Far From the Tree, Andrew Solomon explores how the human need for belonging manifests differently depending on whether our core traits are shared with our parents. Finding supportive communities of people with similar experiences becomes essential for developing a positive self-image. Read more to dive deeper into how connection shapes our identity and why finding “your people” matters more than you might think.

Parenting and Gender Identity: Put Expectations Aside

A father and teenage daughter having a serious conversation illustrates parenting and gender identity

What does it mean when your child’s gender identity differs from their sex at birth? How can parents best respond to a child expressing gender variance or identifying as transgender? In Far From the Tree, Andrew Solomon explores the complexities of parenting and gender identity. He contends that a child’s gender identity requires understanding and acceptance. Solomon emphasizes the importance of creating safe environments where children can express their authentic selves. Read on to dive deeper into how parents can navigate these important conversations.

Parenting a Child With a Disability: Illness vs. Identity

A sketch of a mother and a child wearing glasses illustrates parenting a child with a disability

What does it mean to value a life beyond its capabilities or perceived “normalcy”? How can parents navigate both accepting their child’s identity while seeking appropriate support for their disability? In Far From the Tree, Andrew Solomon explores the complex intersection between illness and identity when parenting a child with a disability. He presents a nuanced view that balances the medical model of disability with the social model that recognizes disability as both a natural variation and a socially constructed experience. Keep reading to discover how parents can embrace their child’s unique identity while advocating for a more inclusive world.

Horizontal Identities: What Sets Us Apart (Andrew Solomon)

A young man in a wheelchair in a park illustrates horizontal identities

How do certain traits become meaningful parts of our identity? Why do some differences from our parents shape how we see ourselves while others don’t? Andrew Solomon explores the distinction between traits we get from our parents (vertical identities) and those that set us apart from them (horizontal identities). This framework helps us understand how families navigate unexpected differences and how people develop a sense of self when they differ significantly from their parents. Keep reading to discover how horizontal identities affect both parents and children and how families can embrace differences rather than trying to “fix” them.

My Child Is Different: How to Parent Exceptional Children

A mother and a teenager (who's wearing a T-shirt with a pride flag on it) illustrates parenting exceptional children

What’s it like to raise a child with a completely different identity from your own? How can parents navigate the complex emotions and practical challenges that come with raising exceptional children? In Far From the Tree, psychologist Andrew Solomon examines “horizontal identities”—traits that exceptional children have that their parents don’t share or expect. He explores how parents face the dual challenges of understanding unfamiliar differences and overcoming the desire for their children to fit conventional definitions of “normal.” If you’ve ever said, “My child is different,” continue reading to find strategies for parenting exceptional children and to see how this

Frames of Mind by Howard Gardner: Book Overview

A drawing of a woman sitting cross-legged and reading a red book

Do you wonder what your unique intelligence profile might look like? Have you ever felt smart in ways that traditional IQ tests don’t measure? In his book Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner proposes that humans possess seven distinct types of intelligence rather than a single general capacity for learning. Gardner’s theory challenges the traditional view of intelligence, suggesting each person has different strengths across multiple intelligences. Continue reading to discover how understanding your own intelligence profile could transform your approach to learning and problem-solving.

What Is the Nature of Intelligence? Howard Gardner Explains

An artistic depiction of the human brain illustrates the question, "What is the nature of intelligence?"

What is the nature of intelligence? Is intelligence an objective thing, or is there some subjectivity to it? Howard Gardner explores this fascinating topic in his book Frames of Mind, where he presents criteria for identifying various forms of intelligence. He argues that the nature of intelligence is far more complex than traditional IQ tests suggest. Keep reading to discover how Gardner’s groundbreaking ideas about the nature of intelligence might change your understanding of human capability.

What Is Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences?

Three image panels (two men and one woman) depicts the question "What is Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?"

What is Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences? Are there truly different types of intelligence beyond a single IQ score? Is there a scientific basis for the theory? Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences challenges the traditional view that intelligence is a single trait. In his book Frames of Mind, Gardner proposes that humans possess several distinct intelligences, each handling different kinds of information and problem-solving abilities. Read on to understand Gardner’s theory and consider how your brain might be wired for unique forms of brilliance that standard IQ tests never measure.