Why are the rates of diabetes and obesity increasing? What are some preventative measures you could take to reduce your chances of becoming obese or developing diabetes? Diabetes and obesity have become endemic in the developed world. Not only are these diseases dangerous in and of themselves, but they also increase your risk of other deadly maladies such as heart disease and stroke. Here’s a look at the wider health risks of diabetes and obesity and preventative measures you could take.
How to Develop Self-Worth: Prioritize Your Personhood
Do you struggle with feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem? How does tying your worth to external factors hurt your self-esteem? Many people struggle with self-worthiness because they base their worth on external indicators, such as appearance, status, or success. If you root your sense of self-worth in external factors, you’ll never feel at peace with yourself. Instead, you should focus on recognizing your uniqueness and expressing joy in your existence. With this in mind, here are some tips on how to develop self-worth.
How Does the Subconscious Mind Create Reality?
How does the subconscious mind create reality? How can you train your subconscious mind to work in your favor? According to Napoleon Hill, the author of The Law of Success, your life experiences are the result of the contents of your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is, in turn, influenced by your conscious, habitual thoughts. Keep reading to learn how your subconscious mind creates your reality.
How Does Type 2 Diabetes Develop?
What is type 2 diabetes? How does type 2 diabetes develop? More importantly, what are some preventive measures you can take to avoid it? Type 2 diabetes is a chronic medical condition where your body cannot use insulin properly, resulting in the build-up of glucose in your bloodstream. Not only is this disease dangerous in and of itself, but it can also increase your risk of other health conditions, including heart disease and atherosclerosis. Keep reading to learn how type 2 diabetes develops and some measures you can take to prevent it.
How to Spot Nervous and Stressed Body Language
How does stress affect your nonverbal communication? What body language cues indicate that a person is stressed or nervous? According to former FBI agent Joe Navarro, when people are stressed, they tend to perform self-comforting acts as a natural coping mechanism. This can manifest in nervous body language, such as massaging the neck, playing with the hair, or adjusting jewelry. Here’s how you can spot stressed body language, according to Navarro.
Age-Reversal Technology: A Look at Regenerative Medicine
Can human aging be reversed? How can age-reversal technology change society as we know it? Aging used to be conceived as an irreversible phenomenon. However, as medical technology advances, scientists are beginning to reconsider this long-held view. Here’s a look at several ongoing innovations that could one day help us reverse the human aging process.
The Importance of Supportive Relationships
Why are supportive relationships important? How can you build a strong support network you can rely on in times of need? We all need support, care, and companionship to remain mentally healthy. This need stems from our evolutionary roots: Belonging to a group was essential for survival when humans were primarily hunter-gatherers, so the desire for companionship is genetically wired into our brains. Keep reading to learn about the importance of supportive relationships and how to develop a strong support network.
The Link Between Blood Sugar and Heart Disease
What is the link between high blood sugar and heart disease? Can frequent blood sugar spikes cause your heart to fail? High blood sugar increases your risk of developing heart disease—among other health conditions. This is because it damages blood vessels by causing cholesterol to accumulate and can also damage the nerves that control the heart and blood vessels. Keep reading to learn how elevated blood sugar can lead to heart disease.
How to Read Emotions From Body Language
What can body language tell you about a person’s emotional state? What body language cues should you pay attention to when trying to decipher someone’s feelings? Body language cues can reveal a lot about how someone is feeling. If a person is feeling relaxed, secure, and comfortable, they’ll display open and expressive body language. If, on the other hand, they’re feeling insecure or threatened, they’ll exhibit closed and comforting body language. Keep reading to learn how to read emotions from body language.
Dealing With Chronic Pain: Tips and Techniques
Do you struggle with chronic pain? What are some techniques for managing chronic pain? Chronic pain can significantly affect the quality of your life both physically and psychologically. But there are methods to eliminate or, at least, manage chronic pain to minimize its interference with your life. Here are some tips for dealing with chronic pain from the book Life Force.