What are John Rawls’s two principles of justice? How might each principle influence the rules and distribution systems of society? Rawls’s principles of justice result from the original position. The principle of distributive justice states that everyone should have equal rights, liberties, and duties. The difference principle states that some inequality can be permitted in circumstances where it makes the least advantaged better off. Keep reading to learn about Rawls’s principles of justice as fairness.
What Is a Chronotype? The 3 Types & Their Characteristics
What is a chronotype? What are the key factors that determine your chronotype? Your chronotype is the expression of your circadian rhythm. In his book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Daniel Pink outlines three common chronotypes: larks, owls, and third birds. Learn about the characteristics of the three chronotypes and how to use your chronotype to your advantage.
How to Increase Willpower: Strategies and Tips
What exactly is willpower, and how does it work? How does your capacity for willpower influence your life outcomes? Willpower is critical to success. But you likely will struggle if you don’t understand how it works and how to manage it. Once you know how to increase willpower and use it effectively, you set yourself up for success. Learn about the importance of willpower, how it works, and how to recharge it when your reserves run low.
How to Set Boundaries With People: Physical and Social
Do people often overstep your boundaries? How do you effectively set and communicate boundaries for how you want and don’t want to be treated? Before setting your boundaries, you’ll first need to identify where your boundaries lie. According to therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab, you should identify two categories of boundaries: personal boundaries and social boundaries. Here’s how to set boundaries with people, according to Tawwab.
How to Deal With Being a Highly Sensitive Person
Are you a highly sensitive person? What are some of the most common HSP struggles? While high sensitivity isn’t a mental illness, being a highly sensitive person can be challenging in the modern world. In her book The Highly Sensitive Person, psychotherapist Elaine Aron recommends that HSPs can make sense of their experiences by reframing them with high sensitivity in mind. Here’s how reframing can help you better understand yourself and your trait.
The Midday Slump: Causes and How to Beat It
Do your energy and attention tend to wane towards the middle of the day? What are some things you can do to overcome the midday slump? According to Daniel Pink, the author of When, the midday slump is a natural occurrence. Humans experience a slump in the middle of any experience: midday slump, midlife crisis, mid-relationship lull. However, a mid-experience lull can have two possible outcomes—it can leave you feeling listless or inspire you to take action. Here’s a look at the causes of the midday slump and some strategies to help you avoid getting stuck.
How to Reprogram Your Mind to Reach Your Goals
Is it possible to condition yourself for success? How can you make yourself act in ways that are conducive to achieving your goals? People don’t choose to act and think in ways that sabotage their own success. They’ve simply picked up and internalized mental programs that make them behave in ways that go against their best interests. The good news is that you can learn how to reprogram your mind to think in a more goal-oriented way. With this in mind, here’s how to reprogram your mind for success.
John Rawls on Basic Liberties, Rights, and Conflicts
What does John Rawls say about basic rights and liberties? Under what circumstances does Rawls’s theory allow for the restriction of individuals’ basic rights and liberties? According to John Rawls’s theory of justice, everyone in society is entitled to basic equal rights, liberties, and duties. However, Rawls acknowledges that conflicts between different rights and liberties can arise. Here’s what Rawls says on rights and liberties.
Highly Sensitive Person Coping Strategies & Tips
Are you a highly sensitive person? What are some ways to manage high sensitivity? Being a highly sensitive person in modern society can be difficult, especially if you had a hard childhood or are still struggling to adapt personally, socially, or professionally. However, there are ways to manage high sensitivity and even use it to your advantage. Keep reading for a highly sensitive person’s coping strategies and tips.
When by Daniel Pink: Book Overview & Lessons
What is Daniel Pink’s When about? What’s the key message to take away from the book? When is a handbook for those who want to harness the natural rhythm of their day and their lives to work and live more intentionally. Daniel Pink offers guidance on how we can use our natural patterns to be strategic about our time. Below is a brief overview of When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink.