What is the role of government in a free society? How can government serve the people while still allowing them economic freedom? Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom argues that without government interference, people and society will be allowed to flourish. According to Friedman, the role of government in a free society is to be uninvolved. Read more about the role of government in a free society.
Why Conservatives Hate the “Welfare State”
What is the welfare state? Why do conservatives distrust and dislike the welfare state? The “welfare” state refers to government social systems like disability, unemployment, and more. The welfare state also includes public services like the Post Office and infrastructure. Conservatives believe that others, like glamorous “welfare queens” take advantage of government hand-outs while they struggle and work hard for their money. Read more about the conservative views on the welfare state below.
Why Do People Vote For Trump? Emotions Guide Them
Why do people vote for Trump? What leads people to vote against their own interests? Since the 2016 election, people have been asking the question “why do people vote for Trump?” especially since it often means voting against their own economic or social interests. In Strangers in Their Own Land, Arlie Hochschild theorizes that people vote for Trump based on emotional truth. Read more to find out the answer to the question “why do people vote for Trump?”
Selfless Action: Karma Yoga in The Bhagavad Gita
What is selfless action? How does it relate to the lessons taught in The Bhagavad Gita? Selfless action in The Bhagavad Gita is the act of following through on your dharma, or destiny, selflessly. It’s an important part of finding the path to god. Read more about selfless action in The Bhagavad Gita.
Keynesian Economics: Criticism and Problems
What is Keynesian economics criticism? What are the major issues with Keynesian economics? Keynesian economics criticism comes from those who support free-market capitalism. Maynard Freidman argues that this theory is ineffective and gives the government too powerful of a role. Read more about Keynesian economics, criticism, and more.
Milton Friedman: The Problem With Public Housing
What is the problem with public housing? What does Milton Friedman suggest about how to fix these problems? According to Milton Friedman, part of the problem with public housing is that it’s run by the government. He argues that this program is poorly designed and causes harm without alleviating poverty. Read more about the problem with public housing and Milton Friedman’s ideas.
Voting Against Self Interest: The Conservative Vote
What does voting against self interest mean? Why do people vote against their own interests? Voting against self interest continues even when people are faced with evidence of bad outcomes. Yet, people continue to do it because it satisfies an emotional truth. Read more about voting against self interest and why people do it.
Bhagavad Gita Lessons: Teachings From Ancient Text
What are The Bhagavad Gita lessons? What does the book teach about Hinduism and spirituality? The main The Bhagavad Gita lessons are about finding God and spirituality through your purpose. These lessons are taught through main character Arjuna, who talks with the god Krishna. Read more about The Bhagavad Gita lessons.
The Federal Reserve: The Great Depression Failure
What was the Federal Reserve’s role in the Great Depression? Did the Federal Reserve cause the depression, and how did they respond? The Federal Reserve in the Great Depression played an important role. The Fed failed to act in the run-up to the Depression, worsening the effects. Read more about the Federal Reserve, the Great Depression, and how they’re connected.
The Empathy Wall: Stepping Out of Your Political Bubble
What is an empathy wall? Why is overcoming the empathy wall necessary to find political unity? The empathy wall is our inability to look beyond political affiliations and help people vote for policies that will better their lives. It means assuming what another group thinks and feels and needs, instead of communicating with each other. Read more about the empathy wall and how we can overcome it.