Why Conservatives Are Anti-Big Government

Public Policy and Housing Segregation in The 1950s

What does it mean to be anti-big government? Why is this a cornerstone of conservative values? Being anti-big government means that you reject government regulation and any use of the welfare system. Conservatives claim to be anti-big government despite suffering due to lack of regulation and environmental destruction. Read more about the conservative anti-big government ideology.

How Corporate Exploitation & Abuse Causes Suffering

7 Major Causes of Depression and Anxiety

What is corporate exploitation? How does corporate abuse harm people and why is it tolerated? Corporate exploitation is when corporations abuse their power, go unregulated, and cause harm through their actions. Common forms of corporate exploitation are environmental deregulation, worker exploitation, and illness such as cancer clusters. Read more about corporate exploitation and what it means.

Prakriti: Meaning and Source of The Three Gunas

Prakriti: Meaning and Source of The Three Gunas

What is the Prakriti meaning? How does The Bhagavad Gita explain how Prakriti drives our actions? Prakriti is the source of the three Gunas—sattva, rajas, and tamas. Only sattva is a desirable Guna, but all three are driven by Prakriti. In The Bhagavad Gita, Krishna explains the Prakriti meaning. Read more about the Prakriti meaning and how it drive action through the Gunas.