Economic Anxiety in White Conservative Voters

Economic Anxiety in White Conservative Voters

What is economic anxiety? How does it relate to the beliefs of white conservatives? Economic anxiety is one factor in why white conservatives continue to vote Republican. While the blame for the loss of wealth might be mislaid, the undeniable fact is that many white working-class people have seen their wealth decline over the years. Read more about economic anxiety and what it means.

Milton Friedman: Negative Income Tax Lifts Poverty

The Millionaire Next Door and Wealth Building

What is the Milton Friedman negative income tax idea? How would negative income tax work? Milton Friedman’s tax theories also include a negative income tax. This would allow direct payments to be paid to people below a certain income as opposed to having them pay taxes, which would help alleviate poverty. Read more about Milton Friedman, negative income tax, and what it means.

Why Do People Watch Fox News? To Affirm Beliefs

Why Do People Watch Fox News? To Affirm Beliefs

Why do people watch Fox News? How does Fox News promote the idea of a deep story and hold up conservative beliefs and emotional truths? Many liberals ask, “why do people watch Fox News?” Fox News is an important platform for conservatives because it validates their worldviews, and provides them with a master narrative that builds common ground amongst conservatives. So, why do people watch Fox News? Read more to find out.

Louisiana Politics: Republican and Unregulated

Louisiana Politics: Republican and Unregulated

What is the core of Louisiana politics? Why is Louisiana one of the most consistently Republican states despite low quality of life? Louisiana politics are, and have been, consistently Republican for many years. There are clear consequences for everyday Louisianans to having pro-business policies that allow rampant corporate abuse. So why are Louisiana politics so staunchly Republican? Read to find out.

The Bhagavad Gita Characters: Four People to Know

The Bhagavad Gita Characters: Four People to Know

Who are The Bhagavad Gita characters? Why are they important in the story? The Bhagavad Gita is told as a story within a story. The story begins with Sanjaya recounting a vision to a king, Dhritarashtra. The story he tells is about a prince, Arjuna, and the god Krishna. Each of The Bhagavad Gita characters has an important role. Read more about The Bhagavad Gita characters and what they do.

Milton Friedman: Social Security Doesn’t Work

Milton Friedman: Social Security Doesn’t Work

How does Social Security work? Why does Milton Friedman say Social Security doesn’t work? According to Milton Friedman, Social Security is unnecessary and unjust. Friedman posits that Social Security doesn’t allow people to make the best choices for themselves, and puts an unfair burden on the poorer young. Read more about Milton Friedman, Social Security, and his views.

Disinvestment in Public Sector & Low Quality of Life

The Importance of Studying Mythology and Folklore

What is disinvestment in the public sector? Why is this harmful and why do governments do it? Disinvestment in the public sector is a decision by the government to take funds out of public services, while keeping taxes for businesses and the wealthy low. Even though this has consequences for average people, Read more about disinvestment in the public sector and what it means.