What was the Tea Party movement? What are the beliefs of the Tea Party movement and how do these beliefs continue to shape conservative values? The Tea Party movement was founded in 2009 and focused on fiscal conservatism. Fundamentally, the Tea Party believed that their rightful place in the social hierarchy was being taken away, and they were losing their path to the American Dream. Read more about the Tea Party movement and how it shaped conversative values.
Friedman on Equal Employment Opportunity Laws
What are equal employment opportunity laws? How are they different from open shop laws? Equal employment opportunity laws and open shop laws both hinder voluntary exchange. Though meant to solve important problems, these laws are often thought to get in the way of good hiring practices. Read more about equal employment opportunity laws, open shop laws, and how they lead to suppression of freedom according to Milton Freidman.
How to Hire Employees: The Best Tips and Resources
Do you want to know how to hire employees? Why is it so important to hire great employees? Managers need to know how to hire employees. In order to have a successful company, you need to hire employees that fit with your company and your goals. Keep reading to find out how to hire employees.
Vishnu: The Bhagavad Gita and the True Form of God
Who is Vishnu in The Bhagavad Gita? What role does he play in the story and what does he teach Arjuna? Vishnu in The Bhagavad Gita is the true god. Krishna, and other gods, are forms of Vishnu. In the story, Krishna reveals his true form to Arjuna as a part of his lessons. Read more about Vishnu in The Bhagavad Gita.
The Top 6 Tips on How to Interview Someone
Are you a hiring manager looking for tips on how to interview someone? What is the best way to conduct an interview? There are endless tips on how to interview someone, but if you’re a manager or HR personnel, simple is better. Your job is to predict how an applicant will do at the job and these tips help you do that. Keep reading for tips on how to interview someone.
Trickle Down Economics and the Failure to Create Jobs
Is trickle down economics a failure? Why do people continue to support it? Trickle down economics is widely considered a failure. One example is governor Bobby Jindal’s term as governor of Louisiana, where he promoted anti-environmental and big business policies. Read more about how trickle down economics is a failure and how deregulation furthers the problem.
Milton Friedman: Taxes, Capitalism, and Inequality
What does Milton Friedman say on taxes? How does Friedman suggest taxes should work? According to Milton Friedman, taxes should be at a flat rate. He argues against a progressive income tax and indicated that a flat tax would reduce deductions and close loopholes. Read more about Milton Friedman, taxes, and changing the system.
10 Management Exercises to Increase Output
Are you looking for management exercises to help you improve your skills? How can the principles in High Output Management help? There are a few key management exercises that can help you learn the concepts presented in High Output Management. These exercises focus on assessing performance and using the strategies. Keep reading for management exercises from High Output Management.
Finding God Through Meditation: Just Let Go
What does finding god through meditation look like? How is this type of meditation presented in The Bhagavad Gita? Finding god through meditation is an important part of your spiritual journey. Meditation can occur both through action and inaction, and Krishna makes it a point in The Bhagavad Gita to say that no pat of the spiritual journey is wasted. Read more about finding god through meditation.
The Bayou Corne Sinkhole Disaster: Who’s to Blame?
What was the Bayou Corne sinkhole disaster? What happened and what did it mean for the people who lived in Bayou Corne? In Bayou Corne, an environmental disaster lead to a sinkhole. Louisiana is staunchly pro-business and pro-energy, and residents of Bayou Corne blamed the government instead of the company at fault, Texas Brine. Read more about the Bayou Corne sinkhole disaster and what happened.