What are productivity indicators? How can you use them to be a more effective manager and increase output? Using productivity indicators is an important strategy for management. Indicators can help you see patterns, and leading indicators can help you predict productivity and make changes. Read more about productivity indicators and how they work.
Arguments Against Evolution: The Theist Position
What are the arguments against evolution? Why do theists believe that creationism is true? Theists make several key arguments against evolution and natural selection. Despite overwhelming evidence to support science, theists believe that God created the universe for a few reasons. Keep reading for some of the main theist arguments against evolution and natural selection.
Purusha: Meaning the Example of a Farmer
What is the purusha meaning? How does The Bhagavad Gita explain the concept of Purusha, or the soul? Purusha’s meaning is, simply put, the soul. Krishna explains this in terms of a farmer and a field. The farmer is the physical body the farmer is connected to, and it is tempoerry. His soul, or Purusha, is permanent and is his true self. Read more about Purusha and its meaning in The Bhagavad Gita.
Why Commodity Standards Don’t Work
What are commodity standards? Is this system valuable for economic development? Commodity standards refer to economic systems where the country’s financial reserve is held in commodities, like gold. The amount in the reserve is tied to the value of the commodity. Read more about commodity standards and how they effect economies.
Assessing Employee Performance in 6 Simple Steps
Are there good methods for assessing employee performance? How can you determine performance as a manager? Assessing employee performance is an important part of your managerial duties. Since you will regularly have to assess performance, you’ll need a system for doing this and communicating it. Read more about assessing employee performance and how it works.
Free Yourself and Your Soul From the Ashvattha Tree
What is the ashvattha tree? What role does the ashvattha tree play in The Bhagavad Gita and why does Arjunaa visit it? The ashvattha tree is a sacred world-tree in Hindu mythology. When people overcome their demonic Gunas, they free themselves and can continue to their true home. Read more about the ashvattha tree in The Bhagavad Gita below.
Occupational Licensing: Does It Undermine Capitalism?
What does occupational licensing have to do with capitalism? Can having too many barriers to occupations harm the economy? Milton Friedman theorizes that occupational licensing makes it hard for new people to enter a profession. It also can limit choice for consumers, especially since so many professions require some sort of license. Read more about capitalism and occupational licensing.
The 6 Best Productivity Strategies for Managers
What are the best productivity strategies? How can you use these strategies to increase your output? Productivity strategies can help you decide what increases output and what doesn’t. Then, you can use the strategies to build on your success and continue to manage effectively. Read more about productivity strategies and how they work
Andrew Grove on High Output Management
What is Andrew Grove’s High Output Management book about? How does Grove explain maximizing output and productivity? According to Andrew Grove, high output management is a style of management that uses manufacturing principles to manage other aspects of a company. Read more about Andrew Grove, high output management, and what it means.
Theist Arguments: Why They Don’t Hold Up to Scrutiny
What are theist arguments? What are the main theist arguments, and why don’t they hold up? Theist arguments present ideas as to why God exists. There’s a whole group of arguments that attempt to do this, and they ignore things like logic and evidence, and depend on abstract ideas. Read more about theist arguments and why they don’t work.