Multiple Managers: Productive or Bureaucratic?

Multiple Managers: Productive or Bureaucratic?

What is the purpose of reporting to multiple managers? Why is this a helpful management structure? When someone reports to multiple managers, this has the benefit of increasing output since it can allow one person to focus on the technical aspects of the job, and another to focus on the general aspects. Read more about what it means to have one person report to multiple managers.

Top 3 Quality Control Methods for Company Success

Top 3 Quality Control Methods for Company Success

What are the best quality control methods? How can you implement them in your organization? There are three main quality control methods that can help you maintain consistency in your organization. You’ll need to take all of these factors into account when thinking about how to control the behavior of people in your company. Read more about quality control methods and how they apply to your organization.

Arguments Against Creationism: Complexity of Life

Arguments Against Creationism: Complexity of Life

What is the arguments against creationism? What evidence shows that creationism is false? There are numerous arguments against creationism. In addition to well-documented scientific evidence in favor of evolution, Richard Dawkins also suggests that we evaluate the creationist argument on its own weaknesses. Keep reading to find out more about arguments against creationism.

The Social Responsibility of Business: Increase Profits

The Social Responsibility of Business: Increase Profits

What does Milton Friedman mean by “the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits?” How does this differ from other views of corporate social responsibility? Corporate social responsibility is the idea that as large corporations with a lot of money, companies have a duty to uplift their communities and society as a whole. In Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Friedman argues that the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. Read more about Milton’s Friedman’s views and why the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits and nothing more.

The Relation Between Economic and Political Freedom

The Relation Between Economic and Political Freedom

What is the relation between economic and political freedom? How does Milton Friedman explain this connection in his book Capitalism and Freedom? According to Milton Friedman, the relation between economic and political freedom is well established. In order for people to truly have freedom, they have to be able to live without restraints on their economic activities. Read more about the relation between economic and political freedom below.