What is management by objectives, or MBO? What is the MBO process? The MBO process lets you decide goals in advance, and then manage based on achieving those goals. The process ensures you meet milestones. Read more about the MBO process and how you can use it.
Why We Don’t Need Religion: Science Is Better
Are there reasons why we don’t need religion? Does religion have a role in modern society? According to Richard Dawkins, there are several reasons why we don’t need religion. Though religion has been a huge part of human history, Dawkins argues that there are many reasons why humanity should leave religion behind. Keep reading to find out why we don’t need religion.
Leverage Management: Add Value, Increase Output
What is leverage management? How can it help you increase output? Activities have different values. So by increasing the leverage of activities, you can increase output. Leverage management uses three techniques to improve team productivity. Read more about leverage management and how it works.
Cultural Transmission: Passing Down Religion
What is cultural transmission? Why is cultural transmission an important part of religion? Cultural transmission, sometimes referred to as memes, is a part of human development that explains how culture is passed down. It helps explain parts of human development, like religion. Read more about cultural transmission and how it works.
David Goggins: Air Force Dreams Interrupted
What David Goggins’ Air Force career like? Why did David Goggins decide to join the Air Force, and what did he learn there? Goggins entered the Air Force to join the pararescue team, a force that helps rescue downed pilots. However, David Goggins’ Air Force dreams were cut short when he was discovered to have the sickle cell gene. Read more about David Goggins’ Air Force career below.
Managerial Decision Making: The Ideal Model
What is managerial decision making? Are there certain guides or models you can follow? Managerial decision making is both the way managers make decisions, and how they determine how decisions are made. Using this ideal decision-making model from High Output Management, you can improve your managerial decision-making skills. Read more about managerial decision making and how it works.
The Role of Religion in Society: Modern Day Issues
What is the role of religion in society? Why do we hold onto religion in modern times? The role of religion in society has changed over time, but it has had a lot of influence. In The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins argues that the time for religion in society has passed and humans would be happier to focus on science. Read more about the role of religion in society.
How to Have a Productive Meeting: Be More Effective
Do you want to know how to have a productive meeting? What steps can you make to ensure you make the most of your meetings? As a manager, you can decide how many meetings you need in a workday, but it’s important to know how to have a productive meeting that doesn’t waste time. You can think of meetings as a time management tool to deal with your team, employees, or issues. Read more about how to have a productive meeting.
The Anthropic Principle Explains Why Humans Exist
What is the anthropic principle? Does it help explain why human beings exist? The anthropic principle is the idea that all things in the universe are constrained to allow human development. This idea helps us think about how intelligent life formed. Read more about the anthropic principle and what it means.
New Employee Training: Methods + Intel Example
How does new employee training work? How should you train new employees as a manager? New employee training is always a challenge for managers. But managers can develop a system for training so new employees are able to jump right into being productive. Read more about new employee training below.