What is religious violence? Why does religious violence occur? Religious violence is when people enact violence in the name of religious doctrine or goals. Studies find that it is extremely easy to become violent in the name of religion. Read more about religious violence and why it happens.
Did God Create the Universe? Probably Not
Did God create the universe? Why do people think that a powerful God created everything? The question “did God create the universe” has been around for most of humankind. Humans have tried to figure out where we came from and the idea of God creating the universe is one idea. So did God create the universe? Read on to find out.
David Goggins: Army Ranger Training Means New Skills
Was David Goggins an Army Ranger? What was David Goggins’ Army Ranger training like? David Goggins wanted to go above and beyond and keep pushing himself. David Goggins’ Army Ranger training followed his SEAL training, and was a way to gain more skills. Read more about David Goggins’ Army Ranger training below.
The Categorical Imperative: How We Define Morals
What is the categorical imperative? What does it mean for religion and morality? The categorical imperative is the idea that individual moral principles should be judged on the basis of whether or not they would make sense as universal principles. This indicates that religion shouldn’t be the deciding factor about what is or isn’t moral. Read more about the categorical imperative below.
Irreducible Complexity: Are Humans Too Perfect?
What is irreducible complexity? Why is irreducible complexity part of the argument for creationism? Irreducible complexity is the idea that things in the universe cannot have evolved because they’re too complex. This relies on the idea that things can only exist in their final form. Read more about irreducible complexity.
David Goggins: Cookie Jar Strategy Highlights Wins
What is David Goggins’ cookie jar theory? How does this strategy work and how did Goggins use it? David Goggins’ cookie jar idea is that reminding yourself of your accomplishments makes you more likely to tackle obstacles. It helps build confidence and allows you to be honest with yourself. Read more about David Goggins’ cookie jar strategy.
The Immorality of the Bible: Morals Are Not Absolute
What is the immorality of the bible? Why is the Bible morally hypocritical? The Bible and other religious texts are filled with immorality and acts that would be considered unacceptable by modern standards. The immorality of the Bible shows why religion should not dictate morality. Read more about the immorality of the Bible.
How to Improve Team Productivity: The Best Tips
Do you want to know how to improve team productivity? What steps can you take as a manager to make your team more productive? Many managers want to know how to improve team productivity. There are certain steps you can take that will improve productivity and make your team work more efficiently. Read more about how to improve team productivity.
The God Hypothesis: God As a Scientific Theory
What is the god hypothesis? Is there any proof to support the idea that God is real? In his book The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins refers to belief in God as a hypothesis like any other, known as the God hypothesis. He also asks what proves this theory, and why we are willing to overlook proof when it comes to God. Read more about the god hypothesis and what it means.
David Goggins: Stretching Routine Has Health Benefits
What is David Goggins’ stretching routine? Why did he adopt stretching as a part of his regular exercise regimen? David Goggins’ stretching routine is a part of his health routine. As he got older, Goggins realized the constant training was taking a toll on his body and adopted stretching. Read more about David Goggins’ stretching routine and how it helps with health.