What are the effects of religion on children? Why is promoting religious ideals harmful when it comes to children and religion? When it comes to children and religion, Dawkins makes it clear that children cannot have religious beliefs, and it is inappropriate to force children into religion. Though parents often pass on religious traditions, there are some reasons why it doesn’t work. Read more about children and religion below.
Kin Altruism: Why We’re Nice to Our Family
What is kin altruism? Where does it come from and why is it an important part of natural selection. Kin altruism is the idea that we behave more favorably towards those to whom we are related. Proponents of religion claim that without an all-powerful creator, human beings wouldn’t know how to show kindness or affection. But kin altruism may have actually developed as a part of natural selection. Read more about kin altruism and why it’s an important part of evolution.
David Goggins: Taking Souls & Besting Your Opponent
What does David Goggins’ “taking souls” quote refer to? How did this philosophy help him get through Hell Week in the Navy SEALs? When faced with Hell Week, Goggins adopted the idea of “taking souls,” or acknowledging your opponent and using your feelings about them as a way to fuel your motivation. David Goggins’ “taking souls” approach helped his group all get through Hell Week. Read more about David Goggins’ “taking souls” quote.
Donald Miller: Building a Storybrand Complete Guide
What is the Donald Miller Building a Storybrand book about? What is a storybrand and why do you need one? Donald Miller’s Building a Storybrand is about approaching your brand the same way you tell a story. You storybrand and your accompanying brandscript should have all the major elements of a story, including a hero, a plot, and more. Keep reading to find out more about Donald Miller’s Building a Storybrand.
Is Religion Dangerous? How Belief Warps Morals
Is religion dangerous? How does religion inevitably lead to religious violence and hatred? Religious hatred and religious violence have long been a part of human history. So Richard Dawkins poses the question in The God Delusion: is religion dangerous? Keep reading to answer the question “is religion dangerous?”
Darwinian Morality: Being Nice Is Natural
What is Darwinian morality? How can evolution help explain things like morals, kindness, and love? Darwinian morality is the idea that kindness and love are a part of our evolutionary process. Altruism would have been a beneficial quality in early humans, ones they would’ve wanted to pass down to offspring. Read more about Darwinian morality below.
How to Learn Lessons From Failure & Seek Greatness
How do you learn lessons from failure? How does David Goggins discuss this in his book Can’t Hurt Me? According to David Goggins, there are many lessons to be learned from failure. Learning lessons from failure and having perseverance are some of the most important lessons in Goggins’ book. Read more about David Goggins and how to learn lessons from failure.
Religious Violence Examples: 3 Ways Faith Hurts
What are some religious violence examples? How do they prove why religious and violence are related? Religious violence causes people to act irrationally and violently in the name of religion. These four religious violence examples are all instances where people committed heinous acts. Keep reading for several religious violence examples.
The Top 3 Reasons Why Religion Is Immoral
What does “religion is immoral” mean? Are there any moral or ethical issues with religion? Many people wonder if religion is immoral. Some believe that the power religious institutions exert over people and the control over their daily lives makes religion immoral. Keep reading to find out if religion is immoral.
David Goggins: Pull Up Record Attempts
What is David Goggins’ pull up record? Why did Goggins pursue this record? David Goggins’ pull up record is 4,030 pull ups. But Goggins didn’t always hold the record; he decided to pursue it while taking a break from 100-mile race training. Read more about David Goggins’ pull up record and how he achieved this goal.