What is transformation marketing? Is it effective? How can you work it into your brandscript? Transformation marketing is part of your hero’s journey. Along the way in your brandscript, your hero will learn new ideas and skills that will help transform them to the person who needs your product. Read more about transformation marketing and how it works.
Can Habit Loops Help You Kick a Gambling Habit?
What does it mean to have a gambling habit? Is it possible to break a gambling habit? A gambling habit is an addiction and it can be very difficult to break. But like other habits, it is possible to break a gambling habit. Read more about what it means to have a gambling habit.
Storybrand Agreement Plan: Setting Your Hero’s Path
What’s a storybrand agreement plan? Why is this an important part of writing your brandscript? A storybrand agreement plan is the step in your storybrand where your hero finds out how to get the thing they want. This is an important part of your storybrand because it transitions to selling the product. Read more about a storybrand agreement plan and how to write one.
Selling Happiness: Happy Endings in Marketing
What does selling happiness mean? How can you use happiness in your marketing campaigns? When you write your storybrand brandscript to have a happy ending, you’re selling happiness. There are three important story endings that can help you sell happiness. Keep reading to find out what selling happiness means and how to use it in marketing campigns.
The Simple 4-Step Guide to Changing Your Habits
Do you need a guide for changing your habits? How can you get rid of bad habits and develop good ones? This guide to changing your habits offers four steps that you can take to recognize your habits and fixing them. Even if changing your habits is difficult, it is possible. Keep reading for a guide to changing your habits.
Types of Problems on Your Hero’s Brand Journey
What are the different types of problems in a storybrand? Why does your brandscript need to have a problem? When you’re building a storybrand, there are several different types of problems. You can set it up as a way for your customer, or “hero,” to overcome to get what they want. Read more about the types of problems in a storybrand.
Happiness Marketing: What It Is and How It Works
What is happiness marketing? Is this kind of marketing effective? Happiness marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment. It’s a successful marketing approach that focuses on a specific ending. Read more about happiness marketing and how it works.
Habit Memory: Do You Need Memory to Form Habits?
What is habit memory? Can you still form habits if you can’t form memories? Habit memory is the idea that habits are formed partly through memorization. This isn’t necessarily true. You can learn and memorize new things, but it’s still possible to form habits without memorization. Read more about habit memory and how it works.
Email Lead Generation: How to Expand Your Contacts
What is email lead generation? How can you generate email leads for your marketing campaigns? Email lead generation is an important part of any marketing campaign, specifically, email campaigns. You’ll need a set system for generating leads and know how to use them. Why Read more about email lead generation.
Writing a Storybrand Brandscript: 7 Elements
What is a brandscript? How can writing a brandcsript help you build a storybrand for your company? A brandscript is how you tell the story of your brand. Creating a script complete with a story, characters, and a conflict can help you determine your marketing strategy. Keep reading to find out how to create a brandscript.