Did Barack Obama visit Iraq? What was the purpose of the visit? Barack Obama opposed the war in Iraq. When he and others in Congress visited the country, he became even more convinced of his views. Read more about Barack Obama’s visit to Iraq and how it motivated him.
The Dodd Frank Law: More Consumer Protections
What is the Dodd Frank law? What did President Obama have to do with the passage of the law? The Dodd Frank law is an act that promised consumer protections. It was one of the largest economic protection bills to become law during Obama’s term. Read more about the Dodd Frank law and what it did for the economy and politics.
Barack Obama, Senator: Career in Politics Continues
Was Barack Obama a Senator? How long did he serve in the Senate and what were his contributions? Barack Obama began his Senate term in 2005. As a senator, Obama became a national celebrity and was known for challenging the GOP on policies. Read more about Barack Obama and his term as a senator.
The Happy Meal Marketing Strategy: Kids as Customers
What is the happy meal marketing strategy? Why are kids so important to the marketing of fast food? The happy meal marketing strategy is just one way that fast food restaurants market to kids. Kids are their target audience, and fast food restaurants use the happy meal marketing strategy to get people to buy their products. Read more about the happy meal marketing strategy and how fast food restaurants market to kids.
Libya Arab Spring Forces Changes & U.S. Intervention
What was Libya’s role in the Arab Spring movement? How was the U.S. involved in what was going on in Libya? In Libya, the Arab Spring movement became violent when Muammer Gaddafi ordered forces to fight against civilians. The U.S. and others interfered and helped end Gaddafi’s reign. Read more about Libya, the Arab Spring movement, and U.S. involvement.
Obama: Copenhagen Summit and Asserting Leadership
What did Obama do in Copenhagen? How did Obama’s Copenhagen trip change how the world thinks about climate change? For President Obama, the Copenhagen Summit was chance to establish himself as a world leader on climate change. At the summit, world leaders took initiative to create new climate policies. Read more about Obama, Copenhagen, and the summit on climate change.
2009 Stimulus: The ARRA and Government Bailouts
What was the 2009 stimulus? How did the government handle the financial crisis of 2008? The 2009 stimulus is now often referred to as the “bailout.” Against President Obama’s wishes, the 2009 stimulus mainly assisted large corporations and Wall Street. Read more about the 2009 stimulus, how it was decided, and how it affected the country.
Fast Food Marketing in Schools: Does it Work?
How are fast food companies marketing to school children? What strategies do fast food companies use to get more consumers? There are many strategies for fast food marketing. One of these proven strategies is to put ads and products in schools to create loyal customers. Read more about fast food marketing in schools.
Barack Obama: A Promised Land is About Principles
What is Barack Obama’s book A Promised Land about? How does Obama tell the story of his life and political career? A Promised Land by Barack Obama is about his life, entrance into politics, and his first term as President of the United States. Barack Obama’s life and ideals shaped his politics, and he goes into depth about how and why in his book A Promised Land. Read more about Barack Obama, A Promised Land, and the book’s major themes and ideas.
Obama: Climate Change Beliefs and Policies
What did President Obama believe about climate change? Did this lead to any policy changes? For President Obama, climate change was an urgent issue. Obama wanted to ensure that on a political level, the U.S. took global warming seriously and was prepared to take measures to stop it. Read more about Obama, climate change, and his key policy plans.