4 Surprising Dyslexia Benefits

4 Surprising Dyslexia Benefits

A surprisingly high percentage (one study says ⅓) of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders are dyslexic. Are they successful in their careers despite their dyslexia or, perhaps, because of it? Is it possible that there are some dyslexia benefits? We’ll look at unexpected dyslexia benefits and examples of real-life entrepreneurs who have used their dyslexia to their advantage.

Effective Communication in Negotiation: 7 Tips to Improve

Effective Communication in Negotiation: 7 Tips to Improve

Do you get tongue-tied when asking for what you want? Do you find effective communication in negotiation difficult? You’re not alone. Many people find communication in negotiation difficult, or they find that their negotiations are unsuccessful and they don’t know why. Learn why miscommunication issues occur and what you can do to more effectively communicate in negotiations.