How to Eat More to Lose Weight, the Right Way

How to Eat More to Lose Weight, the Right Way

When we want to lose weight, our first thought is usually to cut calories. The mantra “burn more calories than you consume” has always guided Westerners on their weight-loss journeys, prompting them to starve themselves and head to the gym. But what if you could eat more to lose weight? Although it seems counterintuitive to eat more to lose weight, it’s actually the healthiest way to do it. But you can’t just eat more white bread and meat and expect to lose weight. According to the “Eat More to Lose Weight” philosophy, what you eat is more important than how

Is There a Cure for Diabetes? Some Doctors Say Yes—It’s Diet

Is There a Cure for Diabetes? Some Doctors Say Yes—It’s Diet

Is there a cure for diabetes, or does your diagnosis mean you’ll be taking medication and dealing with the complications your whole life? There could be a cure for diabetes, particularly Type 2 diabetes, and it’s not medication. We’ll cover the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and how changing your diet can help alleviate Type 1 symptoms and cure Type 2 diabetes.

How to Prevent Breast Cancer: Eat More Plants

How to Prevent Breast Cancer: Eat More Plants

One out of eight American women will get breast cancer in her lifetime. Like most cancers, this is yet another disease of affluence, a disease that strikes people in economically advantaged areas. Why? Does this mean that breast cancer is preventable? We’ll cover the factors that pose the most risk and look at how to prevent breast cancer through a variety of treatment options. Learn why the simplest and healthiest way to lower your risk may be to adopt a plant-based diet.

Plant Protein vs. Animal Protein: Which Is Healthier?

Plant Protein vs. Animal Protein: Which Is Healthier?

One thing we think we know about nutrition is that we need lots of protein to be strong and healthy. But how should we get that protein? In the debate about plant protein vs. animal protein, it can be hard to know how they’re different and which is the healthier choice. We probably don’t need animal protein at all. We’ll cover the difference between plant and animal proteins and determine which is healthier.

Why Are Americans So Fat? 4 Reasons You Haven’t Considered

The Link Between Depression and Obesity

The most famous disease of Western affluence is obesity, a symbol of our privilege and the excesses it fosters. Why are Americans so fat? Many people want to blame sugar or fat, and the American sweet tooth and addiction to refined foods certainly play their parts. But are there other, more significant reasons Americans are overweight? As we’ve made a collective effort to cut down on sugars and fats, our rates of obesity have continued to climb. Why are Americans overweight? Learn the surprising factors.

The Dairy Industry: 4 Sneaky Ways Big Dairy Has Manipulated You

The Dairy Industry: 4 Sneaky Ways Big Dairy Has Manipulated You

You love milk, yogurt, and cheese, and you know they’re generally healthy for you. But how do you know that? Did you learn it at school? From your parents? From Got Milk? ads? The dairy industry has influenced your nutrition knowledge whether you know it or not. Part of the problem with the dairy industry, and many other food industries, is that they’re far more involved in our lives and our decisions than we’re aware. We’ll cover why this a problem for the consumer and how the dairy industry particularly has promoted health messages that are inaccurate.

Academic Freedom: Why Its Decline Hurts Us All

Academic Freedom: Why Its Decline Hurts Us All

Is academic freedom in decline? How are health researchers and educators affected, and how does that affect the public? We’ll cover how T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, felt his own academic freedom as a researcher and professor at Cornell was endangered, and how we all lose when researchers aren’t able to pursue their research projects free of influence from the government, industries, and their own administrations.

Bias in Science: Why You Should Be Concerned

Bias in Science: Why You Should Be Concerned

We’re taught to believe that science is pure and objective. But science is a human endeavor, and the scientists conducting it necessarily bring with them their own biases. But how rampant is bias in science? And how detrimental is it? We’ll cover the research and experiences of T. Colin Campbell, one of the authors of The China Study. With over 40 years as a member of the research community, Campbell is in a good position to answer the questions, How much bias is there is science? And should the public be worried about it?