Is a High-Carb Diet Actually Healthy? Surprises from Science

Is a High-Carb Diet Actually Healthy? Surprises from Science

Are high-carb diets healthy? Recent dietary trends have taught us to shun carbs, but we also know that high-carb foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains are good for you. How do you know whether a low-carb or high-carb diet is healthiest? Studies show that a high-carb diet may be the healthiest out there. We’ll cover why low-carb diets are unhealthy and how you can transition to a healthy high-carb diet.

Protein-Energy Malnutrition: Animal Protein Isn’t the Answer

Protein-Energy Malnutrition: Animal Protein Isn’t the Answer

What is protein-energy malnutrition? Is protein the key to eradicating malnutrition? Protein-energy malnutrition is a type of malnutrition involving a lack of protein and/or calories in the malnourished person’s diet. During the 1960s and 70s, experts believed that a deficiency in animal-based protein was the primary cause of malnutrition. Learn why T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, thinks that consuming more animal protein isn’t the answer to solving protein-energy malnutrition in developing countries.

What Is the China Study? 6 Lessons on Diet and Disease

What Is the China Study? 6 Lessons on Diet and Disease

What is The China Study book? What can we learn from it? And why is it controversial? The China Study book is a book on disease prevention through diet by T. Colin Campbell, who led the Cornell team, and his son Thomas M. Campbell. It’s named for the China Study, a landmark observational study conducted by teams from Cornell, Oxford, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. The 1980s study examined the lifestyles, diets, and diseases of inhabitants of rural China. Also known as the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, this study is controversial because researchers concluded that animal products like meat and

Health Issues in America: The 4 Biggest Problems

Health Issues in America: The 4 Biggest Problems

America spends more money on healthcare, per capita, than any country in the world. So Americans must be the healthiest, right? Not quite. There are many health issues in America and we are nowhere near the healthiest nation. Two-thirds of our population is overweight, 25 million Americans are diabetic (up by 10 million since 2005), and half of Americans take a prescription drug every week. If we spend so much on our health, why are there so many health issues in America?

Tests on Mice: Why Health Researchers Use Rodents

Tests on Mice: Why Health Researchers Use Rodents

Why do we test on mice and other rodents? Are the results from research using rats and mice really applicable to humans? We may not like it, but we’re closely related to mice, and research results from tests on mice and other rodents can tell us a lot about our own biology and how we respond to things like carcinogens. We’ll cover why research on mice is applicable to us and look at some examples of tests on mice that tell us about cancer risk factors for humans.