In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says, “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” Why is this the greatest victory? How can you be victorious over your enemy if there’s no battle? We’ll cover how preemptive strikes are the key to the best kind of victory and why the easy victory is actually the greatest victory.
Animism’s Origin: How Our Ancestors Respected Nature
What is animism? How is it related to theism? Who held animistic beliefs? Animism is the belief that every animate and inanimate thing has thoughts and feelings and can communicate with people. This belief system is non-hierarchical—all beings are equal. We’ll dive deep into the animism definition, discussion animism’s origin, and look at animism’s history.
Victorious Warriors Win First: Sun Tzu on Preparation
In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says, “Victorious warriors win first.” What does Tzu mean by this? How can you win before you’ve begun? We’ll cover what it takes to prepare so thoughtfully for battle that you win before the battle starts. Learn what it means for victorious warriors to win first.
5 Critical Sun Tzu Quotes On Leadership, Explained
What are some of the greatest Sun Tzu quotes on leadership? Are they applicable today, outside the battlefield? According to Sun Tzu, The leadership describes the acuity and competence of the person charged with leading a fighting force. A good leader should be intelligent, trustworthy, humane, courageous, and stern. When all of these factors are at play, the leader is capable of making sound decisions and can count on the people to support them. We’ll cover Sun Tzu’s quotes on leadership and expand on what they meant on the battlefield. You’ll find that many of them are just as applicable
Sun Tzu’s Philosophy: The Goals and Art of War
What is Sun Tzu’s philosophy in The Art of War? What are his main themes? The Art of War by Sun Tzu is a renowned guide for how to engage in conflict and be successful in battle. Written more than two thousand years ago, Sun Tzu, a Chinese warrior and philosopher, details the nature of competition and psychology of leadership and provides strategies for how to approach both. Although his teachings are geared toward actual military conflict, the principles can be useful in all arenas of conflict or competition, even at a personal level. We’ll cover some of the primary aspects
The Ultimate Boon: The Hero’s Journey, Stage 11 (Explained)
What is stage 11 of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey? What is “the ultimate boon”? The ultimate boon is the stage of the hero’s journey in which the hero achieves limitless bounty or indestructible life. The ultimate boon is stage 11 of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey, from The Hero with a Thousand Faces. We’ll cover what the ultimate boon may entail and look at two examples of the ultimate-boon stage of the hero’s journey.
Woman as Temptress: The Hero’s Journey, Stage 8 (Explained)
What is stage 8 of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey? What is the significance of the “woman as temptress”? The woman as temptress is the stage of the hero’s journey in which the hero is tempted by a “bad” mother figure, a goddess who attempts to either harm the hero, spurn his advances, hamper him in his quest, or tempt him into desire. The woman as temptress is stage 8 of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey, from The Hero with a Thousand Faces. We’ll cover what the woman as temptress entails and look at an example of a hero encountering the woman
Three Kingdoms Period: Lessons on War and Loyalty
What was the Three Kingdoms Period? What can its wars teach us about the value of location, alliance, and loyalty in battle? The Three Kingdoms Period was the era in which three kingdoms ruled China: the Wei, Shu, and Wu. This period began in 220 AD and ended in 280 AD with the rise of the Jin Dynasty. We’ll cover what the Three Kingdoms Period can teach us about the importance of location, alliances, and loyalty.
Cosmogonic Cycle (Hero’s Journey): How Does It Work?
What is the cosmogonic cycle? What role does it play in Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey? The cosmogonic cycle is the origin story of the universe, and the means by which it will be destroyed and rebuilt. In The Hero with a Thousdand Faces, Campbell refers to the cosmogonic cycle as a macrocosm of our wake-sleep cycle. Learn the role of the cosmogonic cycle in the hero’s journey, with examples from Jain and Hindu creation stories.
Future of Human Evolution: Gene Engineering, Cyborgs, AI?
What is the future of Homo sapiens? What might future human evolution look like? Future human evolution will probably go in one of three directions: biological engineering, cyborg engineering, or inorganic life engineering. Each comes with its own advantages and potential problems. We’ll look at each in turn and discuss the possibilities of the future evolution of man and how we are evolving.