You can be the best leader in the world, but you’re still human and you simply can’t do everything yourself. Decentralized Command is a form of delegating that allows leaders to stay focused on their unique job — leading the overall team in pursuit of the larger goal — by allowing each junior leader and team member under them to carry out her own unique job.
Exercising While Pregnant: Pros and Cons
Want to keep active while you’re pregnant? That’s great. But you should know some pros and cons of exercising while you’re pregnant. Learn the good exercises and bad exercises of exercising while pregnant.
What Is Labor Like? Author Emily Oster Explains
We all know that women go into labor to deliver children. But what does it actually feel like, and what happens? Here, author Emily Oster explains what it’s like to go into labor.
Chance of Miscarriage by Week: Full Chart
A minority of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and there’s largely nothing you can do about it. About 90% of miscarriages in the first trimester are due to chromosomal problems at conception. It’s not your fault. What is your chance of miscarriage at 7 weeks? 8 weeks? 12 weeks?
Decisiveness and Uncertainty (Extreme Ownership)
Part of a leader’s responsibility is to lead her team courageously and decisively, no matter what stress and confusion is happening around her; presumably, this is part of the reason she has earned her position as the head of the team. Sometimes, a leader will only have limited information available to make a critical decision, and in these cases she must be comfortable making the best decision possible with what she has. At times an educated guess will be the best option available, and this is when a leader’s knowledge and experience is especially critical to compensate for missing information.
Should I Get an Epidural? A Personal Choice
An epidural is an analgesic injected into the spine during the first stage of labor. It drastically reduces the pain of labor to virtually no pain, and it helps the mother get rest for the physically demanding pushing part of labor. Should you get an epidural? It really depends on personal preference. There are pros and cons of both.
Discipline Equals Freedom: What Does This Mean?
It seems counterintuitive that exercising discipline in turn gives you freedom, but, as with all of the dichotomies described above, this requires balance. If you are strategic and deliberate, you can create a regimented approach that ultimately gives you more freedom.
Leif Babin, Navy SEAL (Extreme Ownership)
Leif Babin is a former U.S. Navy SEAL officer who served in one of the most dangerous areas of Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. With Jocko Willink, he honed the principles of Extreme Ownership on the battlefield, then applied the same tenets to the corporate world as business consultants. Willink and Babin illustrate how effective leaders exercise Extreme Ownership — by admitting failures, believing in their missions, checking their egos, delegating, and being accountable — through compelling war stories and useful business anecdotes. Learn how Leif Babin conducted himself in battle and how this led to his leadership ideas in
Jocko Willink, Navy SEAL: Stories from Battle
Jocko Willink is a former U.S. Navy SEAL who trained SEAL leaders and led his own team as an officer during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Willink was a lieutenant commander and Leif Babin served under him as a ground force commander in Ramadi, Iraq, the deadly and hostile center of Iraqi insurgency. After their military careers, they went on to advise businesses in a wide range of industries through their consulting firm, Echelon Front. Learn how Jocko Willink conducted himself in battle as a Navy SEAL, and how this led to his leadership ideas in Extreme Ownership.
Laws of Combat (Navy SEAL’s Extreme Ownership)
What is the key to being a great leader? Is it about having the right personality type, training, or team? Former U.S. Navy SEALs Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, authors of Extreme Ownership, argue that the best leaders take responsibility for every aspect of their team and every task they’re working to accomplish. With an Extreme Ownership mindset, a leader can implement key strategies to help her team achieve its goals. The authors collectively call these the Laws of Combat.