What is the buyer utility map? How do you use it to build the best Blue Ocean Strategy? Learn about how to unlock buyer utility by considering their entire purchasing cycle.
Buyer Utility Map (Blue Ocean Strategy)

What is the buyer utility map? How do you use it to build the best Blue Ocean Strategy? Learn about how to unlock buyer utility by considering their entire purchasing cycle.
What are incentives in economics? Are there different kinds of incentives? In the book Freakonomics, Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt explain what incentives are when it comes to economics. They break down the three different types of incentives and provide examples. Keep reading to learn about incentives from Freakonomics.
What is a Wizard of Oz MVP from Lean Startup? How do you build one? What does it teach you about your business? Learn the key strategies from Lean Startup.
You know that in Lean Startup, you should be avoiding Vanity Metrics. These tell you less useful facts about your business and can be a misleading sign of progress. Instead, look at real metrics with cohort analysis. But what is cohort analysis, and how do you do it?
When you face a problem, how do you figure out what the root cause was? How do you learn what the right problem to tackle is? The solution is the Five Whys: keep asking Why until you find the problem. But how do you do it correctly, and what pitfalls are there in the 5 Whys Analysis? Learn from this Lean Startup guide.
So you want to answer your key hypothesis about your product or company. How do you get the right data? Through split testing or A/B testing. Learn the key principles of Split Testing from Lean Startup here.
In Lean Startup, Eric Ries supports decreasing your batch size. Don’t overinvest in huge feature releases. Release less and more often, and you’ll learn faster.
The final substantive chapter of Lean Startup discusses innovation in a large company and internal startups, in the form of an innovation sandbox. If growth is your goal and you achieve it, you’ll keep growing your startup to 10, 100, 1,000 people. How do you keep innovating to grow new lines of business while keeping existing products competitive? How do you prevent yourself from being bogged down by process?
Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything applies the tools of economics to explain real-world phenomena that are not conventionally thought of as “economic.” Authored by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, Freakonomics argues that data analysis and incentives can explain a lot about human behavior, and that a great deal of what experts and conventional wisdom tell us is wrong. As they explore these themes, the authors give us some powerful—and highly counterintuitive—insights into why the world is the way it is.
What was Snaptax? How did it help file your taxes? What happened to Snaptax today?