Corn Subsidies: Explanation and History

Corn Subsidies: Explanation and History

Today most of our food comes from corn-based industrial farms. We eat a lot of corn, not just directly as corn, but also when corn is processed into ingredients for processed food (like high fructose corn syrup) and when corn is fed to animals on feedlots. The popularity of corn is a result of corn subsidies. But what are corn subsidies in the United States? How did corn subsidies come about, and why do they still exist? Learn the corn subsidies history here.

How to Receive Feedback at Work

How to Receive Feedback at Work

Criticism, or feedback, is one of the major workplace areas that we need emotional intelligence. People need feedback to do their jobs better and keep their work on track. Like cogs in a clock, every part of a system needs to be running at its best to keep the whole system going; in a workplace, people are the cogs, and everyone needs feedback to improve their performance for the sake of the whole.

How to Give Amazing Feedback at Work

How to Give Amazing Feedback at Work

Criticism, or feedback, is one of the major workplace areas that we need emotional intelligence.

People need feedback to do their jobs better and keep their work on track. Like cogs in a clock, every part of a system needs to be running at its best to keep the whole system going; in a workplace, people are the cogs, and everyone needs feedback to improve their performance for the sake of the whole.

How do you give feedback and constructive criticism? To your boss, and to employees?