What are processed foods? Why do we have them, and why don’t we just eat natural whole foods? Learn about the history here.
What Is a Grain Elevator? Simple Explanation
You might have seen grain elevators without realizing it. They’re a crucial part of the modern agriculture system. But what are grain elevators, and what do they do?
Corn Wet Milling: A Step in the Food Process
What is corn wet milling? What does it produce, and what is the point of corn wet milling?
What’s a CAFO? Is It Worth the Price?
What are CAFOs in agriculture? What does CAFO stand for? Why are they bad for animals? Learn more about how massive-scale farms allow us to produce so much meat—but at a cost we should question.
Factory Farming: Agriculture’s Environmental Impact
What impact does factory farming have on the environment? What is the environmental impact of agriculture? Learn more about the toll that massive scale farming takes on the world, environment, and humans.
What’s Industrial Farming—& What’s Wrong With It?
What’s industrial farming? How does it produce food, and how is it different from normal farming? Learn about industrial farming here.
The History of Corn (Complete Story)
What is the history of corn? Where did corn originate from? How does it differ from maize? Learn the history of corn in this concise summary.
The Minimalists’ Career Guide (Summary)
Want to turn your career around and focus on your passions? Learn career advice directly from The Minimalists.
Industrial Food Chain: What is it? Omnivore’s Dilemma
What is the Industrial Food Chain? How does it produce food? How’s the industrial food chain different from organic farming? Learn the key facts from Omnivore’s Dilemma.
Minimalist Workout: Simple, Effective, Done
Want a simple Minimalist exercise routine? You’ll find it here. Learn minimalist workouts and how to keep your health.