How to Build Trust in a Team: 5 Strategies

How to Build Trust in a Team: 5 Strategies

Many teams have the dysfunction of trust, where they feel uncomfortable with showing each other vulnerability. If you’re on a team with this dysfunction, you might want to know how to build trust in a team. As we learned in Dysfunction One: Absence of Trust, trust is the quality of being able to feel safe and unjudged by one’s teammates. It is the ability to be vulnerable with one another (by being willing to admit mistakes and reveal weaknesses). Trust is the foundation of team dynamics – in an absence of trust, people will feel unable to disagree in a

What Is Mushroom Hunting? Why Do It?

What Is Mushroom Hunting? Why Do It?

People garden and gather mushrooms to feel self-reliant, like they have the skills to survive.

Gardening and mushroom hunting, however, are very different experiences. In a garden, plants present their fruits (to ensure propagation). In mushroom hunting, the species you’re looking for is hard to find; it literally hides in nature.

Mushrooms are wild and pursue an agenda different from yours; some of them can kill you. That’s why looking for mushrooms is called hunting rather than gathering or harvesting.