Why is Africa so poor as a continent? What makes it different from America, Europe, and parts of Asia? Learn about why Africa is poor.
Fear of Conflict in a Team (Five Dysfunctions)
Does your team or workplace have fear of conflict? How do you deal with this so you can have healthy conflict? Learn tips from 5 Dysfunctions of a Team.
Middle-Income Countries: What Are They?
What are middle income countries? How much income counts as middle income? What makes them different from low income and high income countries? Learn about countries in poverty and not.
Is the World Getting Better or Worse? [Statistics]
If you’ve turned on a TV or read a newspaper in the last two decades or so, you’d have a pretty grim picture of the world. Terrorism. Extreme poverty. Deadly epidemics. And it’s getting worse all the time. But this view is completely wrong. Not only are things much better than we think—they’re better than they’ve ever been.
The Upholder Tendency (From The Four Tendencies)
hat is the Upholder tendency from Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies like? How do they behave, and what’s the Upholder Personality? Learn more about Upholders here.
How to Build Trust in a Team: 5 Strategies
Many teams have the dysfunction of trust, where they feel uncomfortable with showing each other vulnerability. If you’re on a team with this dysfunction, you might want to know how to build trust in a team. As we learned in Dysfunction One: Absence of Trust, trust is the quality of being able to feel safe and unjudged by one’s teammates. It is the ability to be vulnerable with one another (by being willing to admit mistakes and reveal weaknesses). Trust is the foundation of team dynamics – in an absence of trust, people will feel unable to disagree in a
Absence of Trust in a Team (Five Dysfunctions)
What is absence of trust in a team? What does trust mean, and why do people misbehave when trust is gone? Why is this dysfunction so damaging to team productivity? Learn more in this tip from Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
What Is Mushroom Hunting? Why Do It?
People garden and gather mushrooms to feel self-reliant, like they have the skills to survive.
Gardening and mushroom hunting, however, are very different experiences. In a garden, plants present their fruits (to ensure propagation). In mushroom hunting, the species you’re looking for is hard to find; it literally hides in nature.
Mushrooms are wild and pursue an agenda different from yours; some of them can kill you. That’s why looking for mushrooms is called hunting rather than gathering or harvesting.
Is It Ethical to Eat Meat? Moral Arguments For & Against
Is it ethical to eat meat? People are torn about this. Some have moral arguments for why it treats the environment, animals, and humans better. Others say eating meat is unethical, since it harms animals. We’ll explore details here.
Pig Hunting: What’s It Like? One Man’s Story & Lessons
Lots of people go pig hunting, but many others don’t have the opportunity to. What’s pig hunting like? Why do people do it, and what skills do you gain? Learn one person’s story when he went pig hunting for the first time.