How did Ryan Nicodemus, co-founder of, become a minimalist? What’s his life history and inspiration?
How Ryan Nicodemus Became a Minimalist

How did Ryan Nicodemus, co-founder of, become a minimalist? What’s his life history and inspiration?
What is the Rebel tendency from Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies like? How do they behave, and what’s the Rebel Personality? Learn more about Rebel here.
Life is full of expectations, ones we have for ourselves and ones other people have for us. How do you respond to expectations? Do you fulfill them, or resist them? When, and why?
Gretchen Rubin has developed The Four Tendencies, a simple yet powerful personality test based on expectations. What are the Four Tendencies? What does it mean to be each tendency? We’ll explain it all here.
Want to figure out which of Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies you are? Take our version of Rubin’s Four Tendencies Quiz here.
This chapter contains our adaptation of the quiz Gretchen Rubin offers in the book and on her website. When answering these questions, choose the answer that is most generally true for you: don’t look for exceptions to the rule or focus on one area of your life.
Does your team or workplace have an inattention to results? Do people just not really care about achieving results? Learn more about how to remove an inattention to results at work.
What are the different types of curves you can graph? How do the curves differ from each other? We’ll cover curves, with examples from real world statistics.
Does your team or workplace have avoidance of accountability? Do people not care about their work and point fingers often? How do you deal with this so you can have accountable team members? Learn tips from 5 Dysfunctions of a Team.
Is human overpopulation going to cause massive problems in the world? Will humans reproduce until we run out of resources and room?
The simple answer is NO – human overpopulation is NOT going to be a problem. Let’s go over why, starting with why we read graphs poorly.
Is the world really getting worse? Are things really as bad as they seem? The negativity bias makes us think so. But what is the negativity bias? And how do you overcome it? Find the definition of negativity bias, with plenty of examples and statistics, here.
es your team or workplace have lack of commitment? Is your team unable to choose a plan and stick to it? How do you deal with this so you can create commitment and buy-in? Learn tips from 5 Dysfunctions of a Team.