How to Find Your Career Passion

How to Find Your Career Passion

How do you find your career passion? How do you find work that you enjoy, and that you’re also good at? We have a complete guide here.

You won’t feel fulfilled if your life lacks passion. This is often the root cause of the empty feeling many people experience. But there are things that get in the way of discovering and pursuing your passions — starting with your work.

How to Understand Your Relationships: Evaluation Tool

How to Understand Your Relationships: Evaluation Tool

Next, consider your current relationships. Overall, do they make you happy? Are your relationships positive, supportive, and helpful? 

Here’s an exercise to help you answer these questions, and evaluate your current relationships. Make a list of every relationship — include every person with whom you interact regularly —  in which you’re currently involved. Add two more columns and fill it them in as follows: