Eckhart Tolle’s Teachings: Your Bad Ego and Its Problems

Eckhart Tolle’s Teachings: Your Bad Ego and Its Problems

Eckhart Tolle has a lot of teachings, and he spends most of his teachings on the ego and the problems it can cause. What is the ego, and why is it the source of many bad emotions and problems in your life? According to Tolle, your ego is the voice inside your head. It can be characterized as the devil or angel on your shoulder. It is the voice that analyzes what’s going on around you, comments on your interactions, dwells on the past, speculates about the future, complains, likes or dislikes things, and makes you question yourself in moments

How to Be More Present: The Simple Guide

How to Be More Present: The Simple Guide

Many of us spend our lives searching for peace, joy, and fulfillment. We look for it in different ways: through accomplishments, relationships, experiences, and material possessions. The Power of Now proposes that the only way to find true peace and fulfillment is through being solely and intensely present in each moment. The more we live in the Now, the more we are able to connect with our true selves and experience life fully, without extraneous thoughts and speculations clouding our minds and altering our lens of the world.  How can you be more present in the moment? Learn more on