In 12 Rules for Life, Rule #7 is “Pursue What Is Meaningful, Not What Is Expedient.” What does this mean? How does Jordan Peterson define “meaningful,” and how does he define “expedient?” In essence, you should stop doing what you know you shouldn’t be doing. Do what you know provides your life meaning.
Why Do People Fall Out of Love? The #1 Reason
We all seek love, and some of us are lucky enough to fall in love. But sometimes, people stop loving each other. Why do we fall out of love? How can a burning fire of love turn into just disappointing gray ashes? It all has to do with how we approach love and think about it. The beginning, falling in love, is easy. But most people don’t realize that this is only a temporary period, and what happens after requires work. Learn more below about why people fall out of love.
Love Is a Choice, Not a Feeling (Explained)
Love is often described as a feeling, like butterflies in your stomach. But this is only a temporary state of love that usually ends with the honeymoon period. Afterward, love requires conscious effort and care to nurture the relationship and keep it alive. This gives rise to the idea, “Love is a choice, not a feeling.” Learn more aspects to the idea that “Love is a choice, not a feeling” below. Learn what choosing to love means, and how you can put in deliberate effort to keep the love alive.
Eckhart Tolle: Enlightenment Can Be Achieved
As you practice being present, you will become present throughout a greater part of the day. Eventually, you may near enlightenment, which is being perpetually present. When you are enlightened you can rise above thought, using your mind in a focused and effective way, without being controlled by it or addicted to it. Learn Eckhart Tolle’s enlightenment advice here, from The Power of Now.
Eckhart Tolle on Relationships: How to Truly Connect to Others
Want to build stronger relationships with your spouse, partner, and loved ones? How does being present improve your relationships? Here we’ll discuss Eckhart Tolle’s best advice on relationships, and how to be present in a relationship. Being present impacts your inner state first and foremost. That affects your behavior and, inevitably, how you interact with people around you.
Eckhart Tolle Meditation: How to Achieve Mindfulness
We have discussed how important and beneficial it is to be present — but easier said than done. Presence will inevitably take practice (this is why Eckhart Tolle’s meditation is called a practice), and it will be like a muscle you can strengthen over time. The keys to this practice will be maintaining awareness of both your mind and body. Here we’ll cover Eckhart Tolle’s meditation tips and guide, from The Power of Now.
How to Surrender: You Can Be Happy, If You Choose – Eckhart Tolle
Do you feel like you always need to be in control? When events out of your control happen in your life, do you feel stressed and anxious? This is natural – but it might also not be the best way to live. Consider that surrendering might be a better path forward. Many people have a negative connotation of surrender, associating it with passively tolerating a situation without taking further action. However, surrendering to the Now means to stop fighting the flow of life and to accept the reality of the Now; only then can you take productive, positive action forward.
Stop Resisting Life: Embrace Your True Self
Do you feel a constant struggle in your life, like you’re resisting life and change? Does it feel like you’re not quite being true to yourself? The solution is to stop resisting – to let go, surrender, accept, and be present. But all of that is easier said than done. In this guide, we’ll cover why you’re resisting, what it feels like, and how to stop resisting.
How to Find Your True Self: The Proven Path
Do you often feel that you’re not living truthfully to yourself? That you’re pretending to be someone you’re not? Do you feel constant tension day-to-day because of internal conflict? You’re not alone. Many of us need to figure out how to find our true self. But it’s unclear how. In The Power of Now, spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle teaches you how to find your true self and get past the discouraging voices in your head.
Eckhart Tolle’s Pain-Body: Complete Solution to Your Pain Body
What is Eckhart Tolle’s pain-body? Why does it cause so much trouble in your life? Why does your past cause you so much emotional pain today, no matter how hard you think about it? According to The Power of Now and Eckhart Tolle, the emotional pain body is the invisible entity of pain that accumulates through your life. This starts with painful experiences from childhood, and every experience that brings you emotional pain is added to the collection. As an accumulation of emotions, the pain body is ultimately a product of the ego that prevents you from being present and