A dollar sign glowing hovering above of a book that a person is holding

Do you want to achieve greater personal and professional success? What’s Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy about?

In Million Dollar Habits, Brian Tracy explores how a positive mindset and self-concept promote success. He also discusses the role of good habits in building a successful life.

Read below for a brief overview of Million Dollar Habits.

Overview of Million Dollar Habits

In Million Dollar Habits, Brian Tracy outlines proven strategies and habits that can propel you toward your goals. Whether you’re seeking financial independence, a more rewarding career, or a heightened sense of well-being, Tracy’s insights offer a clear roadmap to amplify your influence and impact.

Tracy is a motivational speaker, author, and business consultant. He’s authored over 70 books, drawing on his experience in personal and professional development. Tracy is also an entrepreneur, international sales trainer, and consultant to Fortune 500 companies. He has served as the chairman of Brian Tracy International, a company that specializes in the training and development of individuals and organizations. He’s widely recognized for his expertise in leadership, goal-setting, and personal effectiveness.

Developing a Mindset for Success

According to Tracy, by studying the behaviors of successful individuals, you can adopt their habits and mindsets to achieve similar levels of success. Their experience provides a proven blueprint for achievement, so you don’t have to figure everything out through trial and error. In this section, we’ll explore one of the most important traits of successful people: positive thinking and a positive self-concept. 

The Power of Positive Thinking

Tracy states that one common trait of successful people is having a generally positive outlook. A positive mindset leads to success because your attitude and beliefs affect your external experiences—this is called the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that, if you think positively, you’ll draw positive opportunities and positive people to yourself. Conversely, negative thoughts attract negativity. Therefore, you should make a conscious effort to maintain an optimistic outlook. 

To create and sustain a more positive mindset, focus your thoughts on what you want to achieve rather than obsessing over what you don’t want to happen. By orienting your mind toward your desired outcomes, you’re more likely to recognize and capitalize on circumstances that can help you get there. 

One practice Tracy suggests is to make a habit of redirecting your inner voice whenever you catch yourself ruminating on negative thoughts or making excuses about why you haven’t achieved as much as you wanted. When you notice yourself thinking about such things, instead visualize your aspirations and consider practical steps for making progress toward them.

The Role of Self-Concept in Your Success

According to Tracy, your self-concept determines your level of success across all areas of life. Your self-concept is the core set of beliefs you subconsciously hold about your identity and capabilities. Everything you do gets filtered through your self-concept, influencing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in alignment with that internalized perception of yourself. 

Since you inevitably act in ways that reflect your self-concept, having an empowering self-concept expands what you believe you can achieve, and therefore what you will achieve. A negative self-concept will have the opposite effect—if you undervalue your abilities, you’ll never achieve as much as you’re really capable of.

Your self-concept is made of several interconnected elements:

  • Your self-ideal encapsulates your vision of your highest potential; who you aspire to become. 
  • Your self-image reflects your current perceptions of yourself. 
  • Your self-esteem dictates how much you like and accept yourself. Your self-esteem is based largely on how closely your self-image matches your self-ideal—the closer you are to your ideal self, the higher your self-esteem will be. 

Tracy says that by clearly defining your self-ideal, then taking steps to realign your self-image with that vision, you can boost your self-esteem. That, in turn, will boost your entire self-concept. Doing so will increase your confidence and make you better able to reach your potential. 

Tracy provides some advice on how to put this concept into practice. First, vividly envision your self-ideal: Who do you want to be? Next, realistically and compassionately evaluate your present self-image. This means seeing where you’re falling short of your ideal self but not berating yourself over those perceived shortcomings—just acknowledge that you’re not yet the person you hope to become. Once you have a clear idea of where you are in life versus where you want to be, you can start finding ways to bring your actual self more in line with your ideal self.

In addition to making your self-image more congruent with your self-ideal (which will boost your self-esteem as a side effect), you can also work to directly build up your self-esteem. For instance, you might try reciting positive mantras like “I like myself.” Also, explore areas where you may be harboring limiting beliefs about yourself (“I’m bad at math” is a pretty common one), and consciously reframe them in a more positive and self-affirming way (perhaps, “I could use more practice at math”).

Forming Habits for Success

The previous section discussed the importance of a positive mindset. In this section, we’ll explore how forming positive habits also helps lead to success. Tracy asserts that habits shape a significant portion of your life. You may not realize it, but approximately 95% of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors stem from habits. Therefore, understanding how to form positive habits is an important part of building a successful life. 

The Characteristics of Habits

According to Tracy, habits have three key characteristics: they’re malleable, they’re consequence-driven, and they’re emotionally motivated. By understanding these three characteristics and using them to your advantage, you can build good habits more easily.

First of all, habits are malleable, meaning they can be learned and unlearned. Habits are essentially conditioned responses triggered by specific stimuli or circumstances—for instance, if you usually eat lunch at noon, you’ll probably start feeling hungry when you see a clock showing 12 p.m.. 

However, you can reshape your habits by understanding this stimulus-response pattern and consciously altering your reactions. Continuing the previous example, perhaps you’re trying to lose weight, so you drink a glass of cold water or have a light snack at noon instead of eating a full meal.

Tracy also says that almost all habits are driven by anticipated consequences. In other words, whether you do something largely depends on the result you expect to get from that action. So, if you expect something to be beneficial, you’re more likely to do it; if you expect it to be harmful, then you probably won’t do it. This may seem obvious, but it’s a crucial starting point because it highlights the importance of aligning your habits with the outcomes you want. For example, if your goal is to make more friends, you’ll likely be more successful if you develop habits like asking people about themselves, inviting people out, and attending social events. 

Finally, the strength of your emotional commitment influences how quickly you can develop a new habit. If you have a strong emotional connection to the decision to change your behavior, you’ll likely adopt the new habit more rapidly. Therefore, when attempting to establish a new habit, tap into your emotions: Visualize the benefits you’ll get from the habit, connect with the reason why you want to do it, and allow your emotional investment to fuel your commitment when it feels hard to maintain the behavior.

How to Achieve Financial Success

Now that we’ve discussed the vital role of habits in building a successful life, let’s look at some of the specific habits that lead to success in different areas of your life. In this section, we’ll explore Tracy’s advice for financial success, including habits that help you:

  • Become financially independent
  • Build a successful business
  • Be a valued employee

How to Become Financially Independent

Tracy argues that to become financially independent, you must cultivate drive and discipline. Lasting wealth is not built overnight—it requires patience, consistency, and living below your means. Why is this important for you? Financial independence frees you from the stresses of living paycheck-to-paycheck and provides security for your future. 

To start, create a habit of being frugal and avoiding extravagant purchases. This allows you to live within your means and direct money toward wealth-building activities like saving and investing. To put this into practice, carefully analyze each potential purchase: Ask yourself if it’s truly something you need, or just a passing want. Adopt a modest lifestyle focused on long-term financial goals over short-term indulgences.

Tracy says another habit you should adopt is automatically saving 10% of your income. When you save automatically, you never have to factor that portion of your income into your lifestyle, so you learn to live within the other 90%. You can think of it as money you’re paying to a future you. Put this into action by setting up automatic transfers from your checking account into a dedicated savings account each payday. Treat this like another monthly bill you must pay.

If 10% of your current income feels like too much, consider saving 50% of any future income increases you receive. This gradually increases your savings rate without disrupting your current lifestyle—it’s easier psychologically to devote money you don’t have yet to savings, instead of taking a portion of what you already use. Implement this by calculating 50% of any raises or windfalls and immediately directing that amount into savings or investments.

Tracy adds that carefully considering your investment decisions is also paramount; good investments will grow your wealth year after year, but poor investments can quickly deplete it instead. Thoroughly research potential investments and consult successful investors for advice before committing money.

Finally, having proper insurance coverage is an additional expense, but a crucial one. Insurance safeguards your finances against catastrophic events that could otherwise wipe out your savings. Therefore, Tracy recommends protecting yourself and your family by obtaining appropriate insurance policies for your home, health, vehicles, and any other major assets or liabilities you have.

Achieving Success as an Entrepreneur: Focus on the Customer

Good financial habits are crucial, but of course you need to have income before they’ll do you any good. One route to a steady income is to become an entrepreneur by starting your own business. If this is your preferred method, it’s important to first understand what makes a business successful: satisfying and retaining customers, and continuous improvement. 

As a business owner or entrepreneur, Tracy says you must constantly prioritize your customers’ needs. Thus, every decision you make should be evaluated through the lens of how it will impact the customer experience. 

However, it’s not enough to just offer a great customer experience. Tracy also says you must convince people that your products or services provide more value than what your competitors can offer—this could mean higher quality, lower prices, or both. Doing so requires constantly looking for ways to improve your products or services and enhance your marketing strategies. 

Therefore, always be on the lookout for opportunities to innovate, refine your approach, and communicate your unique selling proposition more effectively. Continuous improvement is essential to stay ahead of the competition and meet evolving customer needs.

Achieving Success as an Employee

Tracy writes that entrepreneurship isn’t a path that suits everyone, and he asserts that you can also achieve financial success and fulfillment by becoming the best employee you can be. If starting a business isn’t for you, instead focus your efforts on finding a job that aligns with your interests and strengths, and on excelling in that role.

The path to high earnings and a sense of fulfillment starts with finding work that you’re both skilled at and passionate about. Therefore, it’s important to take time for self-reflection, keep trying new things, and focus on activities that make you feel energized. Once you’ve figured out what you love to do, you can look for a job that lets you turn that passion into profit.

The author says that if you take this route, you should make a concerted effort to be a model employee: someone who’s hardworking, helpful, and well-liked. Be intentional about working diligently, volunteering for tasks, building positive relationships with colleagues, and consistently striving to provide value to your organization. If your job is something that you’re passionate about and good at, this should all come naturally to you. 

How to Achieve Personal Success

In addition to his advice on achieving financial success, Tracy offers habits to help you achieve your desired level of personal success. In this final section, we’ll explore how you can get the most benefit out of everything you spend your time on. We’ll also look at Tracy’s suggestions for maintaining your physical health and building strong relationships. 

Get the Most Out of Everything You Do

Tracy argues that you should organize your life to maximize returns on your energy investments across all areas. Directing your efforts efficiently allows you to reap the greatest material benefits and personal satisfaction, so prioritize activities that yield high returns, and minimize the effort you spend on low-impact tasks. 

Set Long-Term Goals to Focus Your Efforts

Having clear long-term goals enables your present actions to be focused and productive in moving you toward what you ultimately want to achieve. Spend time clarifying your biggest goals for what you want your life to look like, and revisit them regularly to stay connected to your vision. 

Tracy suggests writing your goals down every day. The act of writing helps to clarify your thinking by activating multiple kinds of processing in your brain: visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. This helps to embed the ideas you’re writing deeper into your subconscious. When your goals are deep in your subconscious, you begin to think and act in ways that attract opportunities and experiences that will bring you closer to your goals.

Maintain Optimal Physical Health

Keeping your body in optimal physical health is another aspect of personal success and well-being, and the sooner you start building healthy habits, the better off you’ll be. Let’s look at three of Tracy’s tips for living a healthy life:

Tip #1: Avoid Salt, Sugar, and White Flour

Tracy argues that you should eliminate salt, sugar, and white flour from your diet as much as possible. 

  • Excess salt causes water retention, bloating, and potentially high blood pressure. 
  • Sugar spikes your blood glucose and insulin levels, leading to energy crashes.
  • White flour is difficult to digest and lacks nutrients. 

Avoiding these ingredients stabilizes your energy, helps to prevent diseases, and promotes healthy digestion. Swap processed snacks for fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains to get the nutrients your body needs without the drawbacks. 

Tip #2: Get Enough Sleep

According to Tracy, you need seven to eight hours of sleep nightly for optimal cognitive and physical health. Adequate sleep makes you more productive and happier by keeping your mind clear and your body strong. When you go to sleep around 10 p.m. and wake up around 6 a.m., you also have time for relaxing morning habits like meditation and reading.

Tip #3: Exercise Regularly  

Finally, Tracy states that no list of healthy habits is complete without regular exercise—ideally at least 200 minutes weekly. 

Exercise keeps your muscles and joints healthy while reducing pain and improving balance and mobility. You’ll also feel more energetic in your daily life when you stick to an exercise practice. For optimal health benefits, focus in particular on aerobic activities that exercise your heart and lungs as well as your muscles.

Build Positive Relationships

According to Tracy, a major part of your happiness stems from your relationships with others, so developing strong relationship skills is crucial. Humans are social creatures who thrive on positive connections and a sense of belonging. When you have fulfilling relationships, you feel valued, supported, and happier overall. To apply this, nurture the important relationships in your life through caring behaviors that make others feel good.

Making others feel important and good about themselves is foundational for positive relationships because every person craves approval, respect, and encouragement. When you make people feel better about themselves, they associate those positive feelings with you and want to connect more. 

Tracy offers several tips to help you accomplish this:

Tip #1: Express Gratitude

Tracy states that one way to build positive relationships is by showing gratitude for the people in your life. Expressing thankfulness makes others feel appreciated and boosts their self-esteem. Additionally, when you focus your thoughts on the things you appreciate in your life, you’ll draw more positive experiences to you (remember the Law of Attraction). 

To apply this tip, the author suggests that you simply get in the habit of thanking people sincerely, and as often as possible.

Tip #2: Be a Good Listener

Tracy also suggests becoming an excellent listener to form strong bonds. Listening well shows people that you value what they have to say, and it makes them feel understood. To demonstrate that you’re really listening, you can focus intently without interrupting, ask questions to make sure that you’re understanding the other person correctly, and repeat back what you heard to demonstrate comprehension. 

Tip #3: Offer Praise Frequently

Finally, Tracy suggests frequently offering praise for good behaviors and actions. In addition to boosting the recipient’s self-esteem, praise is a type of positive reinforcement, meaning the person receiving praise will be more likely to keep doing whatever they were praised for. Therefore, offering praise benefits both you and the other person: They feel good about themselves, and they keep doing things that you appreciate. 

It’s best to praise people immediately after catching them doing something praiseworthy to maximize their positive emotional association with the good behavior. Additionally, be specific about what they did well, and continue to praise them every time they repeat the behavior to continue reinforcing it.

Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy: Book Overview & Takeaways

Katie Doll

Somehow, Katie was able to pull off her childhood dream of creating a career around books after graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. Her preferred genre of books has changed drastically over the years, from fantasy/dystopian young-adult to moving novels and non-fiction books on the human experience. Katie especially enjoys reading and writing about all things television, good and bad.

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